Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Solar Energy and Green Energy Practices

Technology to utilise the forces of nature for doing work to supply human needs is as old as the first sailing ship. But attention swung away from renewable sources as the industrial revolution progressed on the basis of the concentrated energy locked up in fossil fuels.

Today’s Eco-friendly environment is very encouraging for the innovations and investments in solar energy sector. It continues to generate interest in the field of research and innovations for renewable energy all around the world. There is widespread popular support for using renewable energy, particularly solar and wind energy, which provide electricity without giving rise to any carbon dioxide emissions. Today we are well-advanced in meeting that challenge, while also testing the practical limits of doing so from wind and solar (variable renewable energy, VRE). The relatively dilute nature of wind and solar mean that harnessing them is very materials-intensive – many times that from energy-dense sources.

The US and Europe remain the big players in research and implementation! In some of the states such as New Jersey and Massachusetts in the US, the health systems and hospitals who are in quest of reducing energy consumption and become more energy efficient are granted state subsidies. Utilising electricity from solar and wind in a grid becomes problematical at high levels for complex but now well-demonstrated reasons. Supply does not correspond with demand.

This has eventually helped them save money, reduce or eliminate energy costs, reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emissions and lessen their impact on global warming. Harnessing these for electricity depends on the cost and efficiency of the technology, which is constantly improving, thus reducing costs per peak kilowatt, and per kWh at the source.

While homes, health systems and hospitals follow green energy and solar energy practices, new sustainable buildings and automobiles accomplish new ways to reduce the utilization of existing fuels such as oil or gas.

More and more buildings, houses are now being equipped with solar panels and automobiles are adapting the innovations such as photovoltaic plates that are being widely used to convert solar energy to electricity to power them. The self-storage facility industries have started using energy-saving methods like motion-sensor lights within storage units, hallways and along driveways to save electrical energy and money as well.

However, the variability of wind and solar power does not correspond with most demand, and as substantial capacity has been built in several countries in response to government incentives, occasional massive output from these sources creates major problems in maintaining the reliability and economic viability of the whole system. There is a new focus on system costs related to achieving reliable supply to meet demand.

There is a fundamental attractiveness about harnessing such forces in an age which is very conscious of the environmental effects of burning fossil fuels, and where sustainability is an ethical norm. So today the focus is on both adequacy of energy supply long-term and also the environmental implications of particular sources. Developments and improvements in manufacturing, demonstrations on how technology helps to manage the demand for electricity in fast-growing markets are taking the utilisation of renewable energy such as solar power to the next level!

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