Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Solar Cells that Can Be Put Anywhere

Solar Cells that Can Be Put Anywhere

Meet a new solar cell that can go anywhere with you. If you’ve given any thought to the benefits of solar power, you’ve probably realized at least two things: You need to live in a sunny climate and, most importantly, you need to have your solar panels facing south. Without these things, the conventional wisdom goes, you’re not going to get much benefit from a solar array. A west-facing roof in Seattle? Forget about it.

Now, it’s amazing to know that your windows, curtains and wallpaper will harvest energy from the sunlight in the future. Now, solar power can work extraordinarily well in climates and conditions that are not necessarily optimum. This has been possible because of Miles Barr, the winner of $30,000 Lemelson-MIT Student Prize.

The myths about solar panel perfection are actually threefold.

  1. First, that you need a south-facing roof. Yes, this is best, as it gets the most sunlight throughout the day, but anything in the 180 degrees between east and west will work just fine, according to 1BOG. (North-facing roofs are still not a great option.)
  2. Second, you may think that it’s the heat from the sun that makes solar panels work, but it’s not–it’s light. The panels work just as well in Alaska as in Florida. In fact, the cold can help them perform more efficiently.
  3. Finally, while clouds obviously hinder how well solar panels can perform, they do not disable them entirely. New panels are so efficient that even the ambient light that gets in past the clouds generates a healthy amount of energy.

Putting solar cells on various surfaces have the ability to provide energy from various sources in the form of electricity. Barr, co-founder of Ubiquitous Energy said that his company focuses on deploying such types of emerging solar technologies.

The company keeps on researching about the process that has been invented by Mile Barr. In the process of putting organic solar cells onto any surface, the company uses a process known as chemical vapour deposition.

Barr said that his organic solar cells are less efficient than conventional solar cells. However, these cells have lighter weight as well applied onto any surface. This is a big reason for the market advantages of his technology.

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