Thursday, 28 February 2019

Solar Windows For a Smart Future

Solar generation is used in many ways to offer people options on how they can power their homes. Rather than big, bulky panels on the roof, there is a discreet roofing alternative, such as the ability to install solar-powered glass.

Solar power is an environmentally good option to generate electricity using renewable, non-polluting sunlight. Nevertheless, solar panels only work properly when they have exposure to enough direct sunlight. If you use solar panels indoors or in your vehicle, having tinted windows will definitely affect how they work. However, as long as some sunlight is present, solar panels will still work.

Solar panels on rooftops and south-facing exterior walls have the best exposure to sun and produce maximum power. Whereas small, indoor solar panels are also used for different tasks.

For example, solar calculators decrease the need for disposable batteries. Solar charging stations allow for indoor battery and device recharging, if tinted windows have enough energy through. Even if you want to use solar panels indoors, adding tinted windows will improve your overall energy efficiency.

Solar Windows feature embedded photovoltaic elements, abosrbing a portion of the sunlight that passes through and converting it into electricity.  This is an alternative to indoor solar panels and tinted windows. Solar windows have some of the same benefits as tinted windows, but they generate their own power directly from the light that strikes them.

A solar window has built-in photovoltaic functionality, which help them to convert light from the sun into electric energy.

Key advantages of solar windows are:
  • A vertical application which is particularly important in space-limited areas such as (big) cities
  • Use of natural daylight for power generation
  • Makes solar PV not only confined to owners of roof-top houses but is virtually applicable to every household, even those in the skyscrapers of the many mega-cities in this world
  • Can potentially further boost decentralization of power generation
  • Some types can be retrofit (photovoltaic films)
So, go green with solar windows, the best way for the smart future. Use the power of solar energy and we can create a world of energy efficient solutions.

For more details: 
Green energy companies

Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Solar Energy vs. Fossil Fuels

In all countries, electrical energy is required to meet the daily requirements of human needs, which includes lighting, safety, comfort, cooking, transportation, communications and the basic production that supports our economies all depend on electrical power. It is reported that 39% of all energy consumed is used in the producing electricity. Electrical utilization is an important part of a person’s environmental footprint.

The difference between renewable energy and the non-renewable energy (fossil fuels) isn’t as difficult as you might think. Renewable energy (solar energy) comes from natural resources that are replenished during an average human lifetime and includes the following types of power:
  • Wind
  • Solar
  • Hydro
  • Geothermal
  • Biomass
Whereas, Fossil fuels can take thousands or even millions of years to naturally replenish:
  • Natural gas
  • Coal
  • Oil
These differences might seem cut-and-dried, but there are some grey areas. Natural gas is sometimes labelled as “clean power” because it burns cleaner as compare to coal. Some people may even believe that natural gas is a sustainable resource. This is not the case.

Natural gas is a fossil fuel that produces CO2 when burned. In the case of biomass, things also get a bit more complicated. Burning wood—the most common method of biomass energy generation as compare to coal. Therefore, many scientists consider wood as a renewable resource because trees can be replenished.

Solar Energy vs. Fossil Fuels
When it comes to environmental impact, solar power is a much more efficient resource than fossil fuels. In terms of reliable application, coal and natural gas have the competitive advantage. The best way to compare solar energy to fossil fuels is by cost, where solar is much better than its non-renewable counterparts.

If we compare solar energy vs. fossil fuels, there is likely no surprise to you. Fossil fuels provide the benefit of being a reliable resource that offers near-constant availability. If you’re going on a drive, you don’t have to worry as a consumer other than if your gas tank is full. However, many people know of the detriments of gas, oil and coal, including significant pollution and the reality that it is a limited resource.

The list of fossil fuel “cons” is well understood. Simply put, the operating costs associated with producing fossil fuels dramatically outweighs the operating costs of producing solar energy.

Solar is easily installed on a rooftop surface or ground mount and harnesses an already-available resource (sunlight). On the other hand, fossil fuel use requires the degradation of the earth as a means to a fuel’s production. Fossil fuels do not just create greenhouse gas emissions – the process of drilling also degrades and erodes the ground and pollutes the water supply.

Monday, 25 February 2019

Future of Solar Energy

Solar power is turning into a trend. It is spreading quickly all through Pakistan. We chose to venture up our power generation through sustainable power source like solar. We know the significance of maintainable power sources and therefore the change to environmentally friendly power energy will be easy. Renewable energy has been with us for quite a while. It's never again irregular to see housetop solar panels or bigger solar homesteads. With innovation advancement, solar panels have turned out to be broadly utilized.

A large portion of solar energy in business are made of silicon. In any case, while these silicon cells command the market, they're considered reliable and efficient; they provide 16 to 20 percent effectiveness with regards to changing over solar energy.

Advancement in solar innovation keeps on enhancing proficiency, size and cost, making it inevitable all through society. The trend is inclining toward fusing solar into more structures past boards put upon the rooftop. Applications incorporate solar shingles, solar film, solar roadways, and solar windows. Different developments investigated includes solar sphere, solar autos (industrially accessible), solar inflatables, nano wires, and working with the infrared range.

• Solar energy is very sustainable. It disposes of the utilization of petroleum derivatives, which are the essential wellspring of ozone depleting substances and the main motor of a worldwide temperature alteration.

• The energy produced by the sun is bottomless and accessible all over the place.

• Solar is very practical and earth cordial in about each way.

• Perhaps most imperative for individual mortgage holders is the accessibility of motivations and minimal effort advances, which are right now accessible to help the utilization of solar energy.

With all the promising data, an increasing number of individuals choose to put resources into solar energy. With the natural effect being a vital intention, there is an extra motivation of lower electric bills and the likelihood to gain some additional money. Regardless of whether you've chosen to introduce housetop solar panels, or you might simply want to discuss with an expert, ensure you contact specialists who have involvement and learning of the business.

In spite of the fact that the expenses of housetop solar boards have dove in the ongoing years, it is as yet a major speculation and the most ideal approach to ensure everything goes easily is to counsel with individuals who comprehend what they are doing. Pakistan is currently targeting for 1870MW energy from solar by 2022. How about we trust it will be a win.

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Solar Site Assessment

In the process of selection, design and installation of an appropriate solar system for your business, a professional site assessment is an important decision. Cost and power output of your potential solar energy system significantly depend on it. The output of a PV module is directly proportional to the amount of sunlight strikes on it. 

A proper site evaluation contributes to calculate a number of factors which includes the following:
  • The site capacity of generating energy
  • Shading issues
  • How much revenue will be generated from the power plant
  • Return on investment (ROI)
  • Rebates and incentives
  • Structural and electrical concerns. 
The site assessment also save money in basic energy efficiency improvements and profitable methods to organize a solar project on-site. After full report, you will be able to make fine-tuned decisions about your project. The site assessment report will assist you to bring your objectives, goals, budget and energy needs together with the unique solar opportunities at your location. Every site is different and needs evaluation specific to the site. 

How electricity is produced?

Electricity from PV Modules produce when photons on solar cells and knock available electrons loose and into motion. Photons can be defined as small packets of energy contained in sunlight. When fewer photons strike on the solar cell, , electrons are put into motion. This result in a little amount of electricity produced. However, if there is shade in the site even with little amount, it can cause shutting down the production completely in some cases.

Modules with built-in bypass diodes contribute to minimize the effects of partial shading. However, even a row of cells with shade can disable the module. It is important to note that impact of shading requires careful site planning and design considerations for solar PV arrays.

Whether it is a neighbor’s multistory home or trees on your property, most sites consider at least some shade.  While wide-open, dawn-to-dusk exposure is ideal, PV system designers generally shoot for a shade-free solar window from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (“solar time” for all days/months of the year). Most of the solar radiation is available during these hours. However, local climate variations ay affect it. For example, in some locations, early morning fog can shift the “prime” solar window toward sunnier afternoon hours.

Some tools like the Solar Pathfinder, the Acme Solar Site Evaluation Tool and the SunEye, can assist you to assess shading on your site throughout the year quickly with one site visit. Each tool has a different technique and price. You can get the job done by all these tools.  They can be used at a proposed array location for the evaluation.

These tools calculate historical solar radiation and weather data for your latitude and longitude and the constantly changing sun elevation angle. Digital photos are taken at the site to get additional data for accurate shade compensation calculations due to tall trees, nearby buildings etc. Depending on the solar panel tilt (up and down angle), azimuth (right and left orientation) and to gauge whether a tracking system is to be employed, some modifications are made.

Thursday, 14 February 2019

How to do Energy Audit - Phase 3

Third Phase: Checking Electricity Waste:

A major contributor to residential energy loss is electricity waste. A home energy audit is the perfect time to check your usage habits and highlight potential sources of electricity waste in appliances, lighting, and other items when going for solar energy implementation. You can reduce your energy use significantly by changing lifestyle and adopt different ways of saving energy such as energy savers etc. In order to mitigate electricity waste, following are the steps:
  • Check your light usage: Lighting contributes 5% of all home electricity. Simply turning off your lights before leaving a room can minimize your cost significantly. So take note how many lights you leave on whole day and night. Consider automatic lights to minimize waste.
  • Evaluate your light bulbs: LED bulbs consume less energy as compare to traditional incandescent bulbs. Upgrading your light bulbs can mitigate your electricity use significantly.
  • Check television and computer settings: Most modern entertainment systems and computers have a sleep function mode. Enable sleep function mode so your TV and computer turn themselves off when not in use.
  • Inspect for outdated appliances: Inspect expired appliances like old refrigerators, dryers, and dishwashers. Outdated large appliances sometimes waste a bit of electricity compared to newer models. An upgrade can save you a lot in the long-run.
  • Unplug unnecessary appliances: Many small appliances scattered throughout your homes continually draw energy, even when they’re switched off. Unplug stereos, phone chargers, hair dryers, and fans if they are not used to minimize waste.
  • Check if solar works for your home: A solar system balances your energy use with every hour of full sunlight. Check your home for the appropriate setup of efficient solar panels.

Also Read - Maintenance of Solar Panels

Safety Precautions

Following safety precautions is necessary when conducting home energy audit to keep yourself and your family safe:
  • Many older homes pose threat to your health and it is not always obvious when there’s danger. Ventilation is important, especially in homes that use an explosive heating source like natural gas or oil. 
  • Any electrical sockets must be fully disconnected and tested before using them as access points to check insulation.
  • All vents and exhaust ducts in your home must be unhindered.
  • Wear a ventilator and all proper safety equipment to avoid exposure to fiberglass or asbestos while checking your insulation. 
  • Make sure your furnace is ventilated effectively; there should be about one square inch of ventilation per 1,000 Btu of appliance input heat. 

Tuesday, 12 February 2019

How to do Energy Audit - Phase 2

Second Phase: Checking Sealing and Insulation
Sealing and insulation of your home can augment your cost per year due to cooling inefficiency and heat loss. Therefore, you must check your home for potential insulation gaps and poor sealing. Check the following common areas for heat loss and energy waste during your energy audit:
  • Check uninsulated spaces: Gaps in your insulation allow airflow from outside, which causes heat loss. Examine air leaks wherever two different building materials meet and at the intersection between walls, floors and ceilings. Electrical outlets, light switches and plumbing fixtures can also allow cold air if not sealed appropriately.
  • Examine your attic insulation: Now a days, the standards for insulation are high than several decades ago. Older homes often had insufficient insulation, which can significantly expand your energy use. Check insulation gaps around pipes, chimneys, ducts and entrances or hatches. Seal the empty spaces by using expanding foam.
  • Wall insulation checking: Examining the insulation in your walls is difficult to do without professional thermal imaging equipment. Drilling a small hole is one option to check for insulation, or you could investigate through the holes behind electric sockets just be sure to turn off the electricity for safety. Use a crochet hook, a long stick, or a screwdriver to check if you can pull any insulation. This will help you to determine if insulation exists, but it won’t tell you if the insulation has settled or if the whole wall is insulated.
  • Floor insulation: Any home with uninsulated basements or crawlspaces is suggested for floor insulation. See if your floors are protected effectively against heat loss with a minimum insulation rating.

Also Read - What does going 100% solar mean?

Monday, 11 February 2019

How to do Energy Audit - Phase 1

Before going for a solar energy solution, it is important to perform an energy audit. It can be defined as an analysis of energy flows, for energy conservation in a building, process or system to reduce the amount of energy input into the system without negatively affecting the output(s).

The first is to identify options to reduce energy expense and carbon footprints by energy audit in residential, commercial and industrial real estate. An energy audit can identify the areas of energy waste in your home so you can make repairs and upgrades as needed.

Professional home energy assessors use specialized equipment and infrared cameras to analyze the energy usage in home, but you can still perform some energy auditing steps without requiring a lot of equipment. To do your own energy audit, there are three phases:

First Phase: Inspecting Heating and Cooling Systems
Your electricity bill can be reduced significantly by improving your home’s heating and cooling efficiency. Following steps will help you to identify possible problems:
  • Checking appliances: Check your cooling appliances or air conditioning system annually for any problem. If your system is more than fifteen years old, an upgrade to a newer energy-efficient system can reduce your energy costs significantly.
  • Inspect windows and doors: Inspect air leaks around windows and doors. Small gaps allow warm or cold air in from the outdoors, forcing your air conditioner or heater to use more energy.
  • Inspect your ducts: If you use central air, check for any air leaks in duct seams and joints. Dirt streaks around ducting can show air leaks, which can be sealed up with professional-grade duct tape.
  • Checking hot water usage: Calculate how much hot water you use on a daily basis and minimize your usage as much as you can. Low-flow shower-heads help and water-saving habits like running only full loads through washing machines and dishwashers can also reduce energy use.

Also read - How to build a solar power plant

Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Four Top Tips for Choosing Solar Panels

Solar energy has numerous benefits to offer consumers an electricity at affordable price. While assessing your options and weighed up their advantages, you might be thinking of switching to clean electricity but it is important to know how to select the perfect panels.

If you are working along the right lines so far, you’ve come to the right place. Experts in solar energy, find below the four top tips to guide your decision-making.

Consider your costs

Cost is not be the only factor that guides your selection of solar panel. However, it’s an important consideration for most people. Some of us want to break the bank for switching to clean energy, but you don’t have to.

Like any other industry, the solar energy sector is a competitive market and there are many options out there. There are dozens of different deals to choose from, which means it’s always possible to find something to suit your budget. The first thing is to compare prices, and don’t fall for the myth that you need to bankrupt yourself in order to go green.

Assess their energy efficiency

The second thing is how energy efficient the panels you purchase are. Energy efficiency connotes how much of the light received is converted into electrical energy, so higher the value, the better it is. Higher values tend to convert to higher prices, and the reality is that you only require enough to cover your own personal energy needs.
Find something that will deliver what you need plus a little extra on top and you’ll be good to go.

Pay attention to the temperature coefficient

You also need to have a look at a second figure – the temperature coefficient. This is the impact heat on a panel’s operational efficiency subsequent to installation and, the lower the number, the better.
The reason is simple: overheating tends to accelerate ageing. If you want something that will last, keep an eye out for the lowest percentage per degree Celsius that you can find.

Long-term warranties

Look for a solar panel that’s durable. You can do this by paying close attention to the warranty period of the solar panels. Manufacturers who have full faith in their products will typically offer a 25-year term . Therefore, if you can find something that ticks this box and all of your others, you’re on the right track.

If a long warranty period is not included as standard, this is a warning sign, and no matter how good the price, keep on searching until you find something better.

Follow the above four top tips and you’re sure to find the perfect solar panels for you.

For More:

Sunday, 3 February 2019

How to build a solar power plant

As the global demand of electricity is on the rise, the reason to establish solar power plants is also increasing. Besides establishing conventional energy sources like oil, gas and coal based power plants, other energy sources like solar-based power plants are also being established. Ground mounted solar power plants require environmental assessment, feasibility, grid connection, siting etc., which is typical for a large industrial project. Installing a solar power plant requires comparatively more time than a rooftop residential solar installation.

Countries having subsidy program like tax rebates implement solar farms on different locations to provide electricity to masses. Due to availability of solar panel, solar inverters and installation expertise, building a solar power plant is quite easy and affordable. On the other hand, the permits and regulations for building a solar power plant or a solar farm vary from country to country. Before building a large-scale solar power plant, some major steps are required move ahead. These requirements are comparatively less for building a small size solar power plant in the range of 5 MW.

Basic steps required to build a Solar Power Plant are below:
  • Choosing the site: Selecting a feasible site for building the solar power plant is important. The site should be free from shadow and trees. The area must have easy access to the roads, transportation and the power grid. 
  • Financial Analysis: Initial financial analysis with information like the solar insolation, land costs, interconnection possibility with the power grid operator.
  • Land Acquisition: Land acquisition starts with the transfer of ownership and leasing from government.
  • Engineering Design/Selection of the Technology: An engineering layout is prepared along with the selection of the technology and vendors for solar equipment.
  • Permitting: Various permitting steps are followed. This is specific to an area and can be quite cumbersome. Permitting involves heavy costs forming almost 15-20% of the cost of a Solar Power Plant Project.
  • Power Purchase Agreement: A Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is signed with the Power Utility who will buy the Electricity.

  • Financing: Financing of the Solar Power Plant Project is prepared. Initial investment for Solar Power Plants is high with very low operation and maintenance costs. Typically, 60-80% of the Project is Debt Financed.
  • Testing and Connection to Grid: When the Solar Power Plants are established, testing of the plant must be done before connecting to the Power Grid.
  • Operation & Maintenance: A solar power plant has a life span of 25-30 years and requires less maintenance and monitoring. Solar Inverters is replaced after 10-15 years. In case a Solar Module fails, it is replaced as it degrades the performance of other Solar Panels.
Building a solar power plant needs project management and technical skills distinctive of an industrial project with some unique features.

The above steps are a simplistic approach for building a solar power plant. The process in fact requires in depth and concrete execution skills. A solar power plant is built within a span of 3 months to 2 years depending on the permitting and the expertise required.

Why Reon Energy

Solar energy offers various benefits, but its implementation leads to different corporate, technical, and local challenges. Moreover, such c...