Wednesday 20 February 2019

Solar Site Assessment

In the process of selection, design and installation of an appropriate solar system for your business, a professional site assessment is an important decision. Cost and power output of your potential solar energy system significantly depend on it. The output of a PV module is directly proportional to the amount of sunlight strikes on it. 

A proper site evaluation contributes to calculate a number of factors which includes the following:
  • The site capacity of generating energy
  • Shading issues
  • How much revenue will be generated from the power plant
  • Return on investment (ROI)
  • Rebates and incentives
  • Structural and electrical concerns. 
The site assessment also save money in basic energy efficiency improvements and profitable methods to organize a solar project on-site. After full report, you will be able to make fine-tuned decisions about your project. The site assessment report will assist you to bring your objectives, goals, budget and energy needs together with the unique solar opportunities at your location. Every site is different and needs evaluation specific to the site. 

How electricity is produced?

Electricity from PV Modules produce when photons on solar cells and knock available electrons loose and into motion. Photons can be defined as small packets of energy contained in sunlight. When fewer photons strike on the solar cell, , electrons are put into motion. This result in a little amount of electricity produced. However, if there is shade in the site even with little amount, it can cause shutting down the production completely in some cases.

Modules with built-in bypass diodes contribute to minimize the effects of partial shading. However, even a row of cells with shade can disable the module. It is important to note that impact of shading requires careful site planning and design considerations for solar PV arrays.

Whether it is a neighbor’s multistory home or trees on your property, most sites consider at least some shade.  While wide-open, dawn-to-dusk exposure is ideal, PV system designers generally shoot for a shade-free solar window from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (“solar time” for all days/months of the year). Most of the solar radiation is available during these hours. However, local climate variations ay affect it. For example, in some locations, early morning fog can shift the “prime” solar window toward sunnier afternoon hours.

Some tools like the Solar Pathfinder, the Acme Solar Site Evaluation Tool and the SunEye, can assist you to assess shading on your site throughout the year quickly with one site visit. Each tool has a different technique and price. You can get the job done by all these tools.  They can be used at a proposed array location for the evaluation.

These tools calculate historical solar radiation and weather data for your latitude and longitude and the constantly changing sun elevation angle. Digital photos are taken at the site to get additional data for accurate shade compensation calculations due to tall trees, nearby buildings etc. Depending on the solar panel tilt (up and down angle), azimuth (right and left orientation) and to gauge whether a tracking system is to be employed, some modifications are made.

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