Wednesday 2 October 2024

Solar Energy – Importance in the Industrial Sector

 The industrial sector is the backbone of any economy. It is responsible for the production of goods and services, employment, and GDP growth. In Pakistan, the industrial sector accounts for 24% of GDP and employs 17% of the labor force.


Among several, Reon Energy is a leading solar company offers industrial solutions and commercial solutions. Despite its importance, the industrial sector in Pakistan is facing several challenges. One of these challenges is access to energy. For industries to function properly, they need a reliable and affordable source of energy.


Unfortunately, Pakistan's energy mix is heavily reliant on fossil fuels, which are not only expensive but also contribute to environmental pollution.


Solar energy can be a solution to Pakistan's energy problems. Solar energy is renewable, sustainable, and environmentally friendly. It is also becoming more affordable as technology improves. In fact, the cost of solar energy has fallen by 60% in the last decade.


The Pakistani government has taken notice of the potential of solar energy and has been taking steps to promote its use in the industrial sector. In 2018, the government launched the National Solar Energy Policy with the aim of providing 1% of total electricity generation from solar power by 2020 and 5% by 2030.


How can Solar Energy be used in Industry?

There are two main ways that solar energy can be used in industry:

1.     Solar PV (photovoltaic) panels can be installed on factory rooftops to generate electricity.

2.     Solar thermal collectors can be used to generate process heat for industrial applications such as drying and heating.


Solar PV panels are becoming increasingly popular due to their falling costs and high efficiency levels. In fact, according to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), solar PV could provide up to 30% of global electricity needs by 2050.


Solar thermal collectors are less widely used, but they offer some advantages over solar PV panels. They are cheaper to install and have a higher efficiency rate (up to 70%). Additionally, solar thermal collectors can generate both electricity and process heat, which makes them a more versatile technology.


Final Words

There are many reasons why solar energy is a good choice for the industrial sector. Solar energy is renewable, sustainable, environmentally friendly, and becoming more affordable every year.


Additionally, solar PV panels offer high efficiency levels, while solar thermal collectors are more versatile due to their ability to generate both electricity and process heat.


The Pakistani government has taken notice of the potential of solar energy and has implemented policies to promote its use in industry. With continued support from the government, solar energy could play a major role in powering Pakistan's industries in the years to come.

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