Wednesday 31 July 2024

Limitations of Solar Energy

With solar energy, there is no end to how much power can be produced since the sun will continue to shine for as long as there is a sun. In addition, the use of solar energy is totally free, widely available, does not produce pollution, emits no fumes, and does not generate noise, so producing solar power does not produce a carbon footprint. Renewable energy sources are widely used on Earth, and solar energy is one of the most widely used.


A wide range of applications can be derived from solar energy. Electricity can be produced. Calculators can be run, swimming pools can be heated, and solar ovens and solar cookers can be used. The use of solar energy for flying planes is now possible as well. However, it is still in the early stages of development. Here are some drawbacks of solar energy.


·        Reliability

Solar energy has the disadvantage of requiring the sun to generate electricity during the day, making it necessary to store excess energy during the day or connect to an alternate power source such as the local utility grid at night. Adding this to the high solar panel's cost will make you pay more.

·        Sunlight Availability

One of the most important factors in determining the efficiency of solar power is your latitude. Solar power's efficiency drops dramatically as you move away from the equator since not all locations get the same amount of sunlight.


Consequently, residents of Canada and Russia are at a disadvantage when it comes to solar energy. Moreover, the location of the equator is irrelevant to places like Hawaii, where they average 277 days of rain and clouds per year because the sunlight can't reach the ground because of the clouds.


·        Environmental Impact

Among the environmental impacts of solar power are the production of highly hazardous materials, pollution of land and water, and habitat destruction.


Considering the installation area, solar fields can consume vast amounts of land, and unlike wind power, it is not possible to share the land with agriculture. In addition, mining and producing materials necessary to produce photovoltaics are also affected by solar power.



Due to the weight of the panels, additional support is needed to mount solar panels securely. In addition, the weight of the panels may cause the roof to crack or flatten over time if the roof is not durable or has any weak spots. Ensure your roof can withstand the weight of the panels by performing a proper assessment of its integrity.


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Tuesday 30 July 2024

How Does Solar Energy Effects Climatic Change?

Among the many advantages of solar energy is that it is a renewable energy source that can be used to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change. This is essential to protect people, wildlife and ecosystems. In addition, air quality can be improved and water consumption can be reduced due to solar energy production.


We can reduce our dependence on fossil fuels by producing solar energy in cities, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating global warming. Sustainable energy development, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and climate change mitigation are supported by renewable energy sources.


3 reasons why solar energy is green energy

Solar energy technologies require the use of materials such as metals and glass, which are energy-intensive to manufacture. Below are the reasons why solar energy affects climate change:


·        Eliminates the risk of pollution

Solar power plants or solar energy technology cannot produce air pollution or greenhouse gases during operation. Therefore, the environment can indirectly benefit from the use of solar energy.


Solar energy reduces or replaces the use of other energy sources that have a greater impact on the environment. Although solar energy is a renewable resource, environmental concerns are associated with its production and use.


·        No carbon dioxide emissions

A solar panel emits no greenhouse gases into the atmosphere when it is used to generate electricity. Solar energy is an important energy source in the transition to clean energy production because the sun provides more energy than we ever use.


·        Unlimited energy source

Unlike fossil fuels, the sun can provide more than enough energy for the entire world at any given time. The only limitation of solar energy as a renewable energy source is the ability to efficiently and economically convert it into electricity. In addition, the environmental impact of solar energy is significantly less than other forms of energy production, as it is a CO2-free renewable energy source.



As a result of the use of solar energy technologies and power plants, no air pollution or greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere. Therefore, if solar energy is used to replace or reduce other energy sources that have a greater impact on the environment, solar energy can be a positive, indirect benefit to the environment.


Despite this, solar energy technology uses and creates some environmental problems. Solar panels are mainly made from special materials and metals required for production. Efforts are being made to find alternative methods of cleaning solar panels.


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Wednesday 24 July 2024

Top Solar Innovations to Consider this Year

Home and business owners are producing more electricity with solar panels as they become more efficient. In addition, PV panels are becoming lighter, sleeker, and more visually appealing as they become lighter, sleeker, and thinner.


Furthermore, more solar shingles are available than ever, and they are becoming more popular. However, the cost of solar energy remains relatively stable despite these improvements. Leading solar companies like Reon Energy are constantly evolving with the solar trends.


Solar energy installations in 2024 seem very promising, but a few challenges can be overcome. So what should you expect from 2025, and what can you do to be prepared? By identifying upcoming trends, you can adapt to the changing business climate in 2024 and beyond.


Growing Solar Installation & Maintenance Demand

A clean energy transition is being fueled by concerns about climate change and reductions in PV costs. In addition, solar capacity and sustainability concerns increase the demand for solar installation services. In the same way, there are a growing number of operating systems today, so many systems also need maintenance and repair.


Despite the positive effects of increased demand for solar energy companies, companies may encounter logistical difficulties as their businesses grow. In addition, labor shortages throughout the country have stressed many solar companies.


In order to anticipate your hiring needs, allow longer hiring periods when possible, and ensure that new hires are adequately trained, particularly regarding safety protocols.


In order to maintain high levels of customer service as your business expands, such measures are essential. Recruit technicians who have been through solar training programs or have experience installing or selling solar energy.



Rapid Adoption Of Solar Storage

The increasing demand for solar storage solutions is an opportunity for solar installers. Including battery storage content on your website, social media platforms, and promotional materials is a great place to start.


There has been an increase in solar sales with battery storage since all of these factors converge. It is, therefore, possible to add storage capacity to existing solar power systems.


Since the mid-2000s, advanced solar batteries have decreased in cost while increasing in capacity. Additionally, many states and utilities provide tax credits for solar battery purchases.


Solar Application is the New Trend

As technology advances, it has become more feasible and affordable to use solar energy in many different products. For example, LED streetlights powered by solar energy save energy and reduce carbon emissions in many urban areas, promoting public safety.


A PV noise barrier along a highway generates renewable energy while improving nearby communities. Solar panels are also increasingly used to power EV chargers.

With new uses for solar power being discovered, photovoltaic solar applications will continue to expand. As a result, your solar energy company may be able to offer new services if you stay up-to-date with these trends.

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Top Solar Energy Trends Expected in 2024

With more and more customers embracing solar technologies, the cost of creating and purchasing them has fallen. Solar technology adoption has a cyclical and exponential trend, with prices falling with mass adoption, leading to more businesses implementing solar technology. The solar evolution has been a great thing for the best solar company in Pakistan, Reon Energy.


As the trend continues, it will continue to grow strong through 2024. In order to continue research and development in solar, there is more than enough demand. The cost of solar will continue to be affected by market forces, including competition between providers. The solar industry will also continue to offer tax credits in some developing countries for some time to come.


The Durability of the Solar Energy will Grow Exponentially

It is equally important that the technology in question is reliable in order to maintain market demand and drive development. In the early days of solar technology, they were not necessarily as robust and certainly not as effective as they could have been.


The durability and effectiveness of solar technology will continue to improve as development continues, making them more attractive to consumers. Larger businesses can benefit from this improvement, since their maintenance costs can be much higher than their smaller counterparts. These improvements will, of course, lead to a rise in sales that will result in lower costs, which will lead to an increase in sales even more.


Limitless Career Options

It is impossible to imagine solar technology existing in a vacuum. Despite the fact that there are solar products that are easy to purchase and use by the average consumer without any expert knowledge, solar installations are quite different. The situation is even worse when it comes to solar installations in businesses.  Installers, repairers, and maintenance professionals are in high demand as solar demand increases.


Use of Solar In Infrastructure

As solar technology continues to become more affordable, the benefits become more apparent for larger infrastructure. In comparison to the traditional method of running wires under the ground to illuminate large areas, such as parking lots and industrial complexes, solar lighting is more efficient and cost-effective. It is likely that we will begin to see more large infrastructure projects using solar in the future as the cost of solar panels decreases and the installation process becomes less disruptive.



With 2025 just around the corner, we can expect the pace of solar energy to continue to increase over the next year. The higher durability and lower costs of solar technologies will allow for the larger projects, which can change how we think about energy production and take years to complete, to start coming to fruition.

Tuesday 16 July 2024

Solution to Energy Crisis in Pakistan

Solar panels are becoming more prevalent as alternative energy sources become more mainstream. Unfortunately, there may be a misconception among small and medium-sized business owners that such a service is unaffordable. Due to solar panels' declining prices over the past few years, your organization can now take advantage of them.


In addition to water desalination, improved oil recovery, food process, chemical production, and mineral processing, solar energy can be used for thermal energy in various industries.


The top solar company in Pakistan and other countries’ manufactures of photovoltaic panels or resistive heaters powered by photovoltaic panels can accomplish this in two ways.


Energy Crisis In Pakistan

It is estimated that Pakistan has an inadequate energy supply. There has been continuous negligence and mismanagement on the part of successive governments in the country, resulting in the energy crisis. The energy crisis has caused the economic collapse in the country.


The crisis in Pakistan is becoming more severe by the day and everyone is trying to figure out how to resolve it. Some suggest it can be resolved through energy conservation. Others are considering increasing the use of alternative energy in Pakistan. At the same time, the others are considering using hydro and coal resources to generate electricity and coal resources. Every strategy has its own merits and demerits.


1.     Sustainable & Green Energy

Solar energy sources provide clean, renewable electricity without relying on oil, coal, or natural gas. As a result of these fossil fuels, harmful emissions affect the quality of air, water, and soil, contributing to global warming in the process.

It has been predicted that more plants and animals will go extinct by 2060 than have died out in the last 60 million years combined. Carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels are shown in these statistics.


2.     Energy Efficiency Is The New Demand

A solar panel installation on your company's roof can increase the property's value and make it easier for you to sell it faster. In addition, solar panels in your building can help generate some of the energy needed to operate it, meaning your long-term and short-term operating expenses will be lower.


3.     Negligible Maintenance Cost

The maintenance requirements of solar energy systems are generally low. Maintaining them only requires a relative amount of cleaning. In addition, there are a variety of solar panel manufacturers who offer warranties ranging from 20 to 25 years. Wear and tear are not a concern since there are no moving parts.


Due to its continuous operation to convert solar power into electricity and heat (solar PV vs. solar thermal), the inverter usually needs to be replaced after 5-10 years. Your solar power system must not only be maintained by the inverter but also by the cables to ensure that it works at its peak efficiency.

Monday 15 July 2024

4 Things To Consider While Installing Solar Panels

Solar power achieves energy independence without being dependent on the main grid. Moreover, renewable energy contributes to a sustainable lifestyle and lowers carbon emissions. However, Reon Energy, the solar installation company, has set standards beyond perfection in countries like Pakistan. 

Solar energy only has low maintenance and zero production costs but it. However, a few factors need to be considered when considering solar panels' pros and cons for a successful solar power installation project.


Panel's Efficiency

The efficiency of solar energy is its ability to convert sunlight into electricity. It is estimated that a panel would have a 50% conversion efficiency if it captured half of the sunlight's energy, while in reality, efficiency rates vary between 15% and 21%. For a solar panel to be efficient, it has to have the right technology.


Minimum Warranted Power

You should expect maximum output from each solar panel based on its minimum warranty. However, similar panels from different solar power kits can produce slightly different peak wattages, depending on the quality and clarity of the materials used. In other words, if you have a 180-watt panel with a 10% negative power rating, you will have 172 watts of guaranteed power.


Location Matters

The level of usable energy converted by the panel depends on both the amount and the time of exposure to sunlight. Therefore, place your solar panels away from buildings and tall trees that may block the sun's rays to maximize your output.


It is recommended that the panels be installed facing east or west when they are being installed. By making this adjustment, the panels are parallel with the sun's path to absorb the maximum amount of light. In addition, as a result of the installation location, the panels will produce more power either in the morning or evening.


Measuring Energy Usage

You can measure your energy use with the help of a good solar installer. A solar system's production capacity is important when determining how much energy it can generate. Therefore, it is possible to estimate how many solar panels you will need and how much of your energy consumption solar can cover by knowing the average amount of energy you will use.



In an electrical and home improvement, or industrial project, solar power installation involves both. As a result, you should verify that the contractor's credentials are correct when you start the search. The right solar panels are so important when it comes to investing time and money as a consumer. The returns will be higher in the long run since they will last longer.


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Tuesday 9 July 2024

Reon Energy Offers Top Solar Solutions to Combat Energy Crisis

Solar energy is a clean and renewable source of power. It is a cost-effective solution for many individuals, businesses, and communities. Solar energy has been around for decades. NASA first used it in the 60s to power satellites. Technology has come a long way since then, but it still uses the same basic principles of converting light into electricity.


Reon Energy offers top solar solutions for commercial and industrial needs. We are committed to providing you with the best solar solution to meet your needs while minimizing your carbon footprint and saving you money on operational expenses.


Need Of Solar Energy is Increasing every day

Solar energy is a sustainable source of power. It is a clean, renewable and inexhaustible source of energy. Solar energy has been around for centuries and has been used for cooking, heating water, drying clothes, lighting homes, etc.


The need for solar energy is increasing every day because it can reduce carbon emissions by up to 93% and does not produce any greenhouse gases or toxic waste.


Potential Benefits Of Going GREEN

Solar energy has a lot of benefits. First, it is renewable and sustainable. It is a clean source of energy that does not emit any pollution. In addition, solar energy is one of the cheapest energy sources, making it accessible to everyone.


The solar panels are also durable and last for decades without any maintenance. The panels are also environmentally friendly as they do not contain any toxic substances or heavy metals. As we can see, there are many benefits that solar energy has to offer us, so it's time to start making the switch today!

Why did Industries need To Switch To Solar Energy?

The world is gradually switching to renewable energy. The global population and electricity demand have also been increasing. The new technologies in the energy sector are making it possible for people to use sustainable and renewable energy sources.


Solar power is a natural source of clean, renewable, and emission-free energy available worldwide. It's one of the most popular choices for many industries because it's easy to set up, affordable, and reliable.



Solar energy is important because it reduces the use of fossil fuels, which pollute the environment and cause global warming. Solar energy is important because it reduces the use of fossil fuels, which pollute the environment and cause global warming. It also provides a clean source of electricity to power homes and businesse.

Monday 8 July 2024

Latest Trends of Leading Solar Energy Companies

In the current situation, global energy demand exceeds the capacity of available generators. Therefore, energy security and reliability must be improved, and alternate energy sources must be explored aggressively if future energy demands are to be met efficiently. In the current scenario, the leading solar companies of the world believe in modifying their services according to the latest energy trends.


Renewable and alternative energy sources can address long-term issues as effective energy solutions. It is evident that solar energy, which has a wide range of available sources, is a promising option.


It's been nearly a decade since solar energy became a globally significant industry. So let's examine where solar power is going in 2022 and how it has evolved over the years.


In-Demand Commercial Solar Energy

Businesses, non-profits, and governments have been installing solar panels on-site as the industry continues to unlock financing tools so everyone can benefit from solar power.


This segment is expected to grow in the future, given the growing adoption of clean energy technology by commercial, non-profit, and public entities. However, on-site solar still has a lot of room for growth, which serves less than 1% of commercial electricity demand.


In-Demand Rise In Roof-Solar Panel

It is unlikely that solar panel rooftop prices will come down anytime soon, given the logistical challenges following the coal industry's collapse. On the contrary, according to an international analyst at global data, market prices are expected to rise until 2023. In this report, we examine the solar rooftop market in detail and estimate the contribution to the cumulative capacity of solar PV from rooftop solar from 2012 to 2030.


The report highlights the delays in shipments and a lack of workers that explains the temporary price increase. In addition, governments worldwide have promoted policies and incentives for rooftop solar PV. As a result, cost trends may decrease soon.


Structural Changes Due To Supply Chain Pressure

Although the solar market saw strong growth in 2021, structural shortages are still prevalent in the supply chain, polysilicon shortages, forced labor allegations, and a worsening trade war.


Solar equipment manufacturers are trying to optimize their supply chains to maximize growth while minimizing costs as raw materials prices are predicted to hover between 25-35% above 2019 levels through 2022.


Raw material processing costs are also expected to increase, increasing capital costs and LCOE. In 2025, analysts expect polysilicon prices to start to decline, after which they will remain relatively high for a long time.


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Tuesday 2 July 2024

Best Solar Solutions & Technologies in Pakistan

Solar technologies' benefits for businesses and industries are diversifying energy sources, improving efficiency, and saving money. All these can help in providing the best solar solutions to the country. In addition, the production of electricity on a massive scale by energy developers and utilities is made possible through technologies such as solar photovoltaics and concentrating solar power. Below listed solutions and technologies are the most trending ones these days:


Solar Photovoltaic Technology

The photovoltaic effect is what converts light (photons) to electricity (voltage), which is the basis of photovoltaics. Scientists discovered this phenomenon in 1954 when they created a silicon solar cell that generated an electric current when exposed to sunlight.


Satellites, watches, calculators, and space satellites soon used solar cells to power their electronics. However, the types of solar cells used in this technology are listed below:

·        Silicon solar cells

·        Thin film solar cells

·        Next-generation solar cells


Passive Solar Technology

Heat is collected from the sun by south-facing windows in passive solar buildings and stored in thermal mass materials. Thermal systems that utilize passive solar heating capture sunlight inside the materials of a building and release it at night when the sun is not present. A design that incorporates south-facing glass and thermal mass is essential in absorbing, storing, and distributing heat.


Passive solar technology also offers passive solar cooling services. Shade, thermal mass, and natural ventilation are used in passive solar cooling systems to moderate daytime temperatures and reduce unwanted daytime heat.


Concentrating Solar Power

Boiling water is commonly achieved using fossil fuels at today's power plants. A large turbine driven by steam from boiling water produces electricity by spinning a generator. Solar power systems and the sun are being used as heat sources in a new generation of power plants. A linear concentrator, a dish/engine system, or a power tower system are the three main types of concentrating solar power systems.


·        Linear Concentrator Systems

·        Power Tower Systems

·        Dish/Engine Systems



In one hour, more energy from the sun falls on the earth than is consumed by every person in the world in a year. The conversion of sunlight to usable energy for buildings is made possible by a variety of technologies. Among the most popular solar technologies for homes and businesses are photovoltaic systems for electricity, passive solar designs for space heating and cooling, and solar water heating systems.

Monday 1 July 2024

3 Things To Consider While Choosing a Leading Solar Company

It is a very exciting experience to purchase a solar power system for your home, but it is important to select a solar panel company very carefully. A solar panel purchase is a substantial long-term investment, so it is important to consider the significant aspects of the purchase.


The market is filled with several solar companies and retailers, but not all are dependable. In addition, some companies may be dishonest. Here are some key things to consider when choosing a leading solar company to keep the troubles at bay.


Certification & License

Solar installers must also be certified by law in order to perform their work. Some of them are, but not all of them. You should ensure your solar company's certifications are accurate before working with them to ensure they're legitimate and will get the job done correctly. 


As well as licensing in general, ask them about your state's licensing requirements, especially if you live in one. Any relevant licensing information should be provided to you by solar companies as soon as possible. 


Keep The Costs In Focus

Going solar can come with some costs you may not be aware of. Depending on the company, you may have to sign up for a monitoring service or maintenance plan in order to get your system. The price of these options can be high, so it's important not to decide without seeing them first. 


To make use of the solar energy coursing through your home or business, you'll probably need to alter or update the electrical system. There can also be additional costs associated with it.


Frequency of Solar Panel Maintenance

Installation, maintenance, and use of solar panels require a high safety level. Provide this information to your company and ensure its employees are thoroughly trained on handling problems or emergencies that may arise.


You should also ask them about specific maintenance requirements in order to maintain your system as best as possible. Apart from asking about any special requirements that may exist, these details will vary depending on the type of solar panels and batteries you choose.



Renewable energy, such as solar energy, is a form of renewable energy. For example, sunlight generates heat, which drives a turbine to generate electricity.


The good news is that solar panels have become increasingly affordable over the past few years. Increasing production and more companies like Reon Energy entering the market every year are the reasons behind this increase. As a result, solar is a great investment right now.

Why Choose Reon Energy for Solar Solutions?

Reon Energy is a leading solar solutions provider, with over 10 years of experience in providing best solution for solar energy . They offer...