Monday 27 May 2024

3 Ways to get Solar Efficiency with Industrial Solutions in Pakistan

There has been a surge in commercial solar panel installations worldwide. Several factors contribute to this. Recent advancements in solar panel efficiency are one reason for this improvement. Businesses are also being pushed to reduce their carbon footprint by using renewable energy solutions, with governments setting net-zero targets.


A large number of businesses are investing a fortune in commercial solar panels. Solar panels need to be maintained throughout their lifetime to remain effective. However, some are not doing enough to maintain their efficiency. Consequently, their panels don't produce as much electricity as they could, causing them to lose money.


1.     No solar installation in shady areas

When it comes to shading, solar sunlight is the primary source of electricity for solar panels, so shade would harm the output of electricity generated by them. Unfortunately, the shading effect on solar panels is largely unknown to most people.


Shade can affect the energy generated by neighbouring photovoltaic cells even if only one photovoltaic cell is affected. Due to its resistance, it serves as a resistor.


Panels, tall trees and buildings are the main culprits. When planning a site, make sure you analyze it and ensure that it won't be affected by shade.


2.     Monitor your solar panel efficiency

Your solar panels can be connected to energy management software so you can track their generation levels. As a result, you will be able to monitor the output over time and detect any possible declines.


The majority of businesses install solar panels and don't care about them if they're satisfied with their initial output. However, it is a problem if you do not monitor how much energy your solar panels generate because you will not realize when their efficiency has dropped. So, it's better to keep an eye on it.


3.     Always choose High Concentrated Photovoltaic solar panels

Through CPV, sunlight is focused onto a solar cell with exceptionally high efficiency, which would otherwise be prohibitively expensive. For example, conventional solar panels reach maximum efficiency of 25%, whereas CPV panels reach up to 48%!


The downside to great efficiency is its high cost. In comparison to traditional PV panels, CPV panels cost four times more. In addition, there are fewer types of CPVs available than traditional PVs. CPV should definitely be considered if you can locate a supplier and have the upfront funds.



Through industrial solar solutions, manufacturing units can operate seamlessly. Solar power plants are highly beneficial to industrial units that install them. As a result, their grid dependency is reduced and the power supply is uninterrupted and other benefits. In order to reap such benefits, it is necessary to invest to reap such benefits. Solar systems usually pay for themselves within 5-10 years, with continued benefits for an additional 15-20 years. You may find that the initial cost of a cleaner, greener future hinders your plans. 


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