Thursday, 1 June 2023

Green Energy Combating the Energy Crisis in Pakistan

The development of solar companies in Pakistan began in the early 2010s. The reason was the shortage of power production and supply across the state. As a result, many companies stepped forward with different solutions. These solutions were comprised of wide range of solar equipment, from a solar storage battery to the installation of large solar systems.

Among those, the leading solar company in Pakistan is Reon Energy, offering solar financing facilities to different large-scale solar projects launched by top-notch companies in Pakistan, such as Unilever, Fauji Fertilizer, Best Way Cement, etc. The company believes that renewable energy plays an essential role in the energy security of a country. However, it also reduces the energy cost by upto75%.

Multiple steps are being taken to ensure operational efficiencies for the industrial sectors. As a result, Pakistan is combatting energy crises with maximum potential and effort.

Renewable Energy Usage

The most crucial step to eliminate and cover the energy crises is to adopt renewable energy sources like solar systems. Renewable power production is a step forward to bring down the energy cost and promise a clean energy future.

Solar Thermal

Solar thermals are utilized by large-scale industries that require water heating to process their productions and other industrial processes. Therefore, it is a feasible option to be used in the commercial and industrial sectors.

Photovoltaic Cells

These cells are used to make solar panels and systems eventually. The photovoltaic cells are made up of silicon that transforms the sunlight directly into electricity. Later, the inverter converts direct electricity into indirect energy that efficiently runs our home appliances.

Solar Storage Battery

The excess energy that is absorbed by the solar cells and converted into electricity can be stored in the solar storage batteries. The industrial sector installs large batteries according to their operational capacity to save the excess energy during daytime. The stored energy is later used during the darker hours when the sun has set.


The use of solar panels is a doorway to brighter and pollution-free futures. Getting the best quality solar systems installed can help the commercial sectors let go of the fear of power blackout. Advocating the renewable energy source can trigger the transition towards cleaner future. It will also encourage us to opt for power production from a cleaner energy source.

Solar energy will grow fast but will remain reasonable as compared to conventional energy sources. The crashing prices of the solar energy may encourage billions of remaining industries and businesses to install the systems as soon as possible.

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