Saturday, 8 February 2020

Energy future hinges on Renewable

Under the CCoE decision, renewable energy projects would be accepted only through competitive bidding for specific generation capacities. The new policy was now in final stages, had been supported by lending agencies and could not be held back to accommodate 2006 policy investors who could be considered separately and on examination of their cost-benefit analysis.

The provinces and other private stakeholders wanted the new policy to accommodate those past investors after having spent a lot of time and money in the new policy as had been the case in all the past power policies and petroleum policy to allow existing investors to adopt new regime with cost plus tariff formula subject to certain conditions.

It was assumed that provinces would be left with no option but to raise objections over the new policy when it was taken up for approval at the level of Council of Common Interests (CCI). A dispute at the ultimate forum under the constitution to adopt the policy could have negative repercussions unless the projects awarded by provincial governments under the independent power producer (IPP) mode were covered in the new policy to safeguard the interests of the provinces.

The new renewable energy policy had been developed in the light of present day situation when the technologies on one side were fast developing while on other side the cost was continuously going down. Country’s electricity basket is hugely tilted towards thermal imported fuels and emphasized that the new policy envisages increasing the share of renewable energy from around 4 per cent to 20pc by year 2025 and 30pc by year 2030.

Underscoring the importance of renewable resources and their optimal utilization for generation of electricity, he said that from the prospect of attaining energy security and decreasing the impact of current thermal generation on environment, Pakistan needed to develop and harness to the maximum level its indigenous renewable energy resources.

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