Tuesday, 24 April 2018

How is Solar Power helping nature?

How is Solar Power helping nature?How is Solar Power helping nature? How do we currently produce energy?

How do we currently produce energy? By burning fuels! Only 1 percent of the electricity of the world is being produced by Solar Energy. Which means that the remaining 99% electricity gives a byproduct of excessive emission of carbon dioxide and other pollutants into the atmosphere.
While the major sources of pollution are thought to be transport and industry manufacturing, burning fossil fuels (specially coal) to produce electricity accounts for more than 33% emissions in the atmosphere.
Another problem with the traditional electricity production methods which depends on fossil fuels is that the fossil fuels are scarce resources. There will be a time, probably within the next 30-40 years when these resources will be exhausted. On the other hand, electricity production from solar power will never be exhausted. In fact, during Summers when electricity usage jumps because of air conditioners and we experience frequent power outages, the same solar power that is warming the country can be used to produce electricity that will power our air conditioners.
The impacts of Solar power on nature compared to the impacts of conventional electricity production are very minimal. As per the Energy Research Center of Netherlands, electricity generation from coal contributes 96% to 98% more greenhouse gases than solar power.
Additionally, solar power is less toxic to humans, uses lesser resources (as in land and water) and is more environmental friendly. While you may think that a small 1 MW project might not really make a difference, you can take the example of Reon’s solar power project for Servis, which contributes in reducing 517 tonnes of electricity annually. That’s like 12,925 tonnes in 25 years! Sounds like a lot? That’s because it is. This is just the impact of 1 solar plant. Imagine the kind of power you have! Join the solar revolution.

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