Tuesday 25 June 2024

Reon Energy - The Energy Company of Pakistan

As part of its mission to create a net-zero and sustainable energy future, Reon Energy, the energy company of Pakistan, believes in the 3Ds of modern power. Businesses can drive their energy systems towards greater efficiency through this solar energy transition and benefit people and the planet.


It is possible to bring about a fundamental change in society regarding renewable energy by establishing an interdependent loop among the industry, the government, the public and the financial institutions.


However, the company has helped several large and small industries establish energy-efficient businesses. Reon Energy has been a go-to energy solution for all from the textile to telecom industries.


Telecom Energy Infrastructure

Reon Energy's telecom energy infrastructure solutions ensure 99% network uptime and maximize savings for OPEX (operational expenditure).


In the case of low grid coverage, telecom tower operators may have to spend more than 85-90% of their operational budget on energy. In addition, high data demands and corresponding data centre needs have contributed to the growing energy challenge.


Telecom operators have a carbon footprint that expands as their energy consumption grows. As a result, switching from inefficient technologies to energy-efficient ones, particularly renewable energy, can reduce operating costs and carbon emissions.


Role Of Telecom Infrastructure

As a result of telecommunications infrastructure, network spillovers can occur, spatial barriers can be broken along with transaction costs, and business model innovation can be fostered. Green technology may be able to spread and progress in this way, potentially having a positive impact on innovation. 

Despite being at a crossroads, both paths to renewable energy adoption lead to the telecoms sector. The continuous advancements in network technology, such as the global adoption of 4G and the development of 5G, will necessitate increased power requirements.


These new technologies can only be enabled by supplying more power to the sites. The modern societal and consumer environment, combined with the public commitments made by many telecommunications industries to go completely renewable, calls for green energy.


Financial parameters like savings and payback periods are always used to measure the benefits of green energy for telecoms. Introducing renewable energy into a cell site's energy mix will lead to numerous benefits, such as producing clean energy and reducing CO2 emissions. 


Final Words

Green energy, socially responsible energy, or environment-friendly energy aren't the only advantages of renewable energy. A majority of countries across the world offer cheaper on-site renewable energy generation solutions than traditional grid and off-grid solutions. 


In addition to being green, choosing hybrid renewable energy as your primary source of energy is also economically and financially advantageous.

Monday 24 June 2024

Reon Energy Offers Solar Energy Solutions

Reon Energy is a solar brand that is paving way for a clean energy future that will enable businesses to get more reliable energy systems and benefit people and the environment. By connecting business, government, and the financial sector, there is a possibility of fundamental change in society. Over the years, Reon Energy offers solar energy solutions within the country. It also addresses the needs of many industries.


What Makes SPARK Stand Out?

In light of the increasing use of renewable energy, a real-time understanding of network status is necessary so that changes can be handled on-the-fly or in the backend. Reon Energy Analytics' SPARK application helps operators maximize performance, reduce risk, and increase flexibility.


Through Reon's Digital Solutions - SPARK, you can maximize your asset's annual energy production along with a favorable LCOE. In addition, by using Spark, you maximize your plant's predictive maintenance efficiency and minimize your on-site maintenance costs.


Operators can benefit from the Reon Energy Analytics SPARK application by increasing performance and reducing risk. In designing SPARK, the following objectives were in mind:


·        Real-time data integration for visibility and control

·        Energy cost savings using the economic dispatch order principle

·        Predictive plant maintenance strategy


Relationship Between SPARK & Reflex Energy

The Reflex system is powered by SPARK, a digital intelligence application that improves Levelized Cost of Energy (LCoE) by optimizing storage and amplifying other sources of energy such as grid, generators, and renewables (solar and wind). It combines Li-ion batteries with highly efficient power conversion systems for a 15 to 20-year life expectancy.


Reflex Energy Storage enables a rapid transition to a resilient power system by customizing its energy storage capabilities. A conventional energy mix has several critical shortcomings that Reflex addresses by providing an affordable, accessible, and sustainable energy system.

A combination of Li-ion batteries and intelligent power conversion systems is used in this form of smart energy storage for common industrial applications and other specific applications.



The SPARK program integrates solar plant parameters, energy storage features, and weather variables to identify/dispatch energy at the lowest cost. In addition to identifying key performance indicators such as inefficiencies in energy generation (ideal versus actual), predictive analysis can also identify proactive maintenance strategies to avoid unplanned downtime and enhance energy plant maintenance strategies.


Additionally, if a team needs to be dispatched to the ground, they can receive alerts indicating unexpected consumption, deviations, and interruptions.

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Trending Solar Solutions

 A rooftop solar cell is the first image that comes to mind when you hear the term "solar panel." There's a reason for this. Until today, these traditional rooftop panels have dominated the solar industry. However, solar PV power systems have a brighter future this year, thanks to some impressive solar panel technologies.


Due to very clear cost-cutting roadmaps in place, solar costs are expected to halve by 2030. In addition, large modules are already producing 1.5 times as much power as existing, similar-sized modules, thanks to an upcoming process known as tandem silicon cells. These solar solutions will be of great benefit to future generations. Some of the latest trends in solar energy are listed below:


·                Solar Fabric

Unlike fixed solar panels, solar fabrics enable you to produce solar energy on the move through your clothing, rather than at one fixed location. Solar filaments are being embedded into garments such as winter coats, t-shirts, and others, with the vision of embedding solar energy systems within each fiber. Warmth can be achieved through solar fabrics throughout the winter and the ability to charge a smartphone.\


·                Blockchain Solar Solutions

Blockchain technology is mostly associated with the financial sector but is also used in other sectors. Since they eliminate the middleman, these are highly beneficial for solar energy consumers. Aside from making renewable energy more affordable, it helps industries optimize energy consumption.


The blockchain infrastructure enables energy providers to sell energy directly without the need for any intermediaries. Furthermore, it makes energy use more flexible and cost-effective for consumers.


·                Building-Integrated Solar Technology

Electricity, panel mounting, and building materials can be saved by using BIPV solar panel systems. In addition, by reducing the building's energy consumption and increasing aesthetic value, BIPV panels are an energy-efficient alternative to traditional PV panels.


In conjunction with building interiors, curtain walls, roofs, terrace floors, facades, canopies, or skylights, building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) solar technologies blend seamlessly into the building infrastructure.


Final Words

Inflation, global warming, and climatic chaos drive the demand for renewable energy. The use of solar energy is an alternative solution to combat the high cost of grid power, frequent power outages, and climate change. Unfortunately, many myths and misconceptions about solar energy make it difficult for people to choose this renewable energy source.


Scientists at NASA are researching ways to convert sunlight into microwave energy using space-based satellites. In turn, Earth would receive the converted energy. Compared to traditional solar panels, satellites absorb about 90% more sunlight and can be placed in a favorable position to capture light 24/7.


For more:


Monday 17 June 2024

Reon Energy – Future of Solar Energy

In order to achieve a net-zero and sustainable energy future, Reon Energy, the solar solution provider in Pakistan, believes in the 3Ds of modern power. In addition to offering businesses the opportunity to drive their energy systems toward higher reliability, this solar energy transition will also benefit the environment and the people. In the coming few years, solar energy will be trending. Here are some ways how solar energy can brighten the future of large-scale industries and businesses:
Flexibility In Electricity Generation
A large amount of storage will be available in 2050, with a capacity exceeding 1,600 GW. Microgrids and buildings can be powered during grid outages with small-scale solar, especially when coupled with storage. Integrating distributed energy resources such as rooftop solar and electric vehicles into the grid will also require advances in managing distributed energy resources.
Generating Clean Electricity
Decarbonization is further enhanced by expanding clean electricity supplies. In the ten years, from 2020 to 2035, the electricity demand will increase by about 30% due to the electrification of fuel-based building demands (e.g., heating), vehicles, and industrial processes.
During 2035-2050, electricity demand will increase by 40%. As a result of electrification growth, all these electrified sectors will be powered by zero-carbon electricity by 2050, and emissions will decrease by 145% compared to 2005.
Emergence Of New Hybrid Device
Photovoltaic technology is directly responsible for electricity generation by solar panels and solar cells. Nevertheless, researchers conducted detailed research and developed a hybrid device to capture solar energy and store it until consumption. 
Thermal energy is stored in the hybrid device to capture solar heat. Its ability to generate solar energy 24/7 would facilitate the wide-scale adoption of solar power.
Molecular storage is achieved with norbornadiene-quadricyclane in the device. The compound exhibits high specific energy and long-term heat release, making it an excellent substance for long-term storage. According to the researchers, using the same concept can optimize temperature and efficiency on different materials.
It is most likely that silicon-based solar cells are going to garner more attention in the coming years, and if installed in large numbers, they will become more affordable. Nonetheless, major players are likely to invest more in research and development to improve photovoltaic cell efficiency and find a better material for building solar cells than silicon.
However, improvements in solar cells will take time and can only be achieved through bulk production and installation. It is then clear that solar cells have a bright future.

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Reon Energy Digital Solutions

Energy parameters such as solar plants, energy storage, weather variables, and other sources of traditional energy can be integrated into SPARK to identify and dispatch energy at the least cost. In addition to maximizing performance, reducing risk, and increasing system flexibility, the SPARK application from Reon Energy Analytics provides operators with accurate energy data. 


Solar provides a variety of related service programs for our customers around the world. With these flexible service programs, customers are able to assign the level of support that is appropriate for their needs and machinery criticality. Solar's customer support philosophy is to provide customers with the service support specified by their connected service program. SPARK has been designed to achieve the following objectives:


Energy Digitalization Through SPARK

As the prevalence of renewable energy increases, it will become increasingly important to be able to understand the network status in real time to react to changes on-the-fly. Reon’s Spark- Energy Analytics features a combination of smart systems and hardware solutions to ensure efficiency during the energy transition. These solutions include dynamic load management and peak shaving, optimizing energy usage.


What is SPARK

The company has some virtually work personalized dashboards for monitoring key information by site or portfolio, energy production data from multiple energy generation assets, and automatically identifying potential savings.

In addition to incorporating solar panels into the industry's energy mix, REON's SPARK Energy Management System optimizes the use of lithium-ion battery storage to provide operational stability and growth potential.


Distinguishing Features:

The intelligent features that SPARK offers;

·        By using economic order dispatch in a multisource environment, the cheapest source of energy will always be used.

·        Any demand/supply mismatches are handled internally by optimizing telecommunications tower load, helping to defer CAPEX.

·        The proactive maintenance function keeps equipment operating at optimal performance by reducing unplanned downtime, equipment failure, and risk associated with malfunctioning equipment.


As a final benefit, digital technologies such as Advanced Computer Vision and Machine Learning, as well as Blockchain, provide real-time monitoring of energy assets.


Final Thoughts

It's evident that our energy system needs to change and is undergoing a major overhaul. Digitization is essential to a decarbonized and decentralized energy system, whether it's adding more renewable energy to the mix to enhance system flexibility, enabling consumers to become prosumers, or giving utilities better real-time monitoring capabilities so they can effectively manage this highly complex system.


For more, click here.

Monday 10 June 2024

Reon Energy – Commercial & Industrial Solutions

Reon Energy believes that the 3Ds of modern power is the key to achieving net-zero energy and sustainability. As a result of this solar energy transition, not only will businesses be able to rapidly transform their energy systems towards greater reliability, but also people and the planet will benefit. Renewable energy can drive a fundamental change in societies through an interconnected loop of industry, government, public, and financial institutions.

Since solar electricity prices have fallen sharply in recent years, the choice of energy for businesses and policymakers has changed dramatically, and companies have begun to switch to solar energy to improve their operational efficiency and avoid power outages. In addition, many businesses are now seeking to invest in energy technologies that reduce carbon emissions while also turning a profit.


Reflex Energy Storage

The Reflex Energy Storage solution is a customized energy storage solution dedicated to accelerating the transition to a reliable power system. A traditional energy mix has critical issues that Reflex resolves by providing an affordable, accessible, and sustainable energy system.


These intelligent energy storage systems are versatile and can be configured for a variety of applications by utilizing Li-ion batteries in combination with intelligent power conversion systems. With Reflex, a digital intelligence platform, Spark, you can optimize the use of energy storage and amplify the use of other power sources, such as grid, gensets, and renewable energy (solar and wind), so that your Levelized Cost of Energy (LCoE) improves. With an average lifespan of 15 to 20 years, it uses a combination of Li-ion batteries and highly efficient power conversion systems.


Critical Industrial Back-up

Industrial UPS solutions are provided by Reon for critical backup applications. Industrial motors have distorted loads that can be accommodated by transformer-based designs. Power applications scaling up to megawatts can be parallelized. Using the latest IGBT (Insulated-gate bipolar transistor) technology. Efficiencies are high and the power is reliable. Generator compatibility has also been improved.


Solar And Powerhouse Applications

For renewable power generation and energy storage, Reon offers large-scale solutions. Ensures that the system remains stable even when PV generation is intermittent. In addition, through captive power, renewables can penetrate more deeply.


It reduces the spinning reserve required for captive power plants. As a result, the powerhouse generators can operate at maximum efficiency. However, Reon Energy also provides grid-scale voltage regulation and frequency regulation services.


Final Thoughts

Energy Analytics from Reon blends intelligent systems with certain hardware offerings to make energy transitions efficient. It also provides features that reduce energy costs through dynamic load management and peak shaving.

Tuesday 4 June 2024

3 Things to Look for during Solar Panel Installation

The installation of solar panels involves a lot of work, and it should not be left to someone unfamiliar. Make sure you do thorough research before choosing the first company that installs solar panels, so you don't have to worry. 


With Reon Energy, the leading solar energy solution company, Pakistan is rapidly moving towards solar efficient energy solutions. Finding a solar panel installer who can help you reach your renewable energy goals should be your first step after deciding to go green. Sometimes, choosing the right solar panel installation company can be challenging.


To make an informed decision, you need to find a solar power contractor that can provide you with information on how various solar systems work and how they are installed. Here are some qualities to look into while choosing a solar installation expert.


Overall Experience in the Solar Field

Numerous new companies are doing excellent work in the field. However, if you want to feel confident that the job will be done correctly, you need to find a company with years of experience. 


The installation company should also have experience designing systems tailored to your requirements, beyond ensuring they are certified. Installers with high-quality services have years of experience and work with you to understand exactly what you need.  


Uses Top Quality Solar Products

Research solar installation companies and find out what kind of solar products and panels they use. Both the quality of the products and the quality of the labor should be considered when installing them.

In this case, the business isn't just providing installation services but also offering expertise in the area. Depending on the type of solar panels suitable for your house, the solar panel company should be able to provide an evaluation and options. Many factors determine which category of solar panels should be used, including the amount of space where solar panels can be installed.


Professional Crew of Solar Installation

Self-installing solar panels are a popular choice among some people. However, instead of doing it yourself, it's best to leave it to the professionals. Ensure that the company you choose has a great team of workers. 


Additionally, you should feel comfortable communicating with them effectively and trusting them to take care of your property during installation. If you hire a professional crew, you can relax, know that your installation will be done quickly and efficiently, and they will have all the tools required to do the job correctly.



To evaluate the quality of solar panels and products used by various solar installers, you must find out the panels and products used. Solar product quality and labor quality are equally important in the installation process. Therefore, ensure that you receive a free evaluation from your prospective solar professionals.

Monday 3 June 2024

Reon Energy Offering the Best Solar Solutions

Reon Energy, the best solar solution in Pakistan, has a mission to build a resilient and sustainable energy landscape based on the 3Ds of modern power. Businesses transitioning to solar energy can increase energy reliability and contribute to the planet's health. Moreover, by establishing an interconnected loop between the industry, government, public, and financial institutions, we can fundamentally change society regarding renewable energy.


As a renewable energy company, we have successfully built solar and battery storage systems for industries across the country. In addition, some of the most idyllic locations in our region are used for energy infrastructure projects for telecommunication towers. 


With a shared set of values, the company has a diverse team working together to lead the energy transition. Their values extend beyond the words on the screen, from climate literacy initiatives to invigorating energy dialogues.


Decentralization for a Low Carbon World

The term "decentralized energy system" refers to a system in which the energy source is located near the demand center. In addition to providing financial, technological, and societal benefits, decentralized energy systems also have an environmental advantage.


There is nothing new about decentralization in the energy industry. For example, early electrical system pioneers like Thomas Edison used decentralized systems in the late 19th century.


Decarburization of Mixed Energy

Global warming is the biggest threat to our species' survival due to the increasing levels of Green House Gases (GHGs). They generate two-thirds of the GHG emissions through coal, oil, and natural gas-based energy systems. These systems produce Green House gases such as CO2, ammonia, and SOX, as well as pollution from particles and noise.

Therefore, it is necessary to transit towards a decarbonized energy system to meet the Paris agreement commitments and protect the future of the upcoming generations.


Digitalization of Energy

Instabilities can occur in power grids due to intermittent renewable energy sources such as solar and wind. Reon's SPARK Energy Management System helps improve operational stability and increase the amount of renewable energy on site by integrating a rooftop solar array into a company's energy mix.


The digitization of energy systems can also lower the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). To accomplish this, we must improve load management, reduce breakdowns and leaks, implement preventive maintenance, and deploy smart economic order dispatch functionality to ensure the lowest level of cost of ownership.



Reon's SPARK- Energy Analytics enables efficient energy transition by combining intelligent systems and specific hardware offerings. Despite this, SPARK is designed to maximize operator -0performance and system flexibility and reduce risk. 


Using SPARK, you can identify/distribute energy at minimum cost by monitoring solar plants, storage systems, weather variables, and other traditional energy sources.

Why Choose Reon Energy for Solar Solutions?

Reon Energy is a leading solar solutions provider, with over 10 years of experience in providing best solution for solar energy . They offer...