Wednesday, 27 March 2024

5 Considerations Before Choosing a Solar Panel

Solar energy is the most sufficient and sustainable form of renewable energy. Many businesses, commercial sectors, and industries have researched the benefits of switching from the conventional energy production method to solar energy solutions. Unlike any other solar company, Reon Energy offers commercial solar solutions that are affordable and can be a great partner in generating income.

The industrial sector requires high and unstoppable power production to increase its productivity. The other most prominent benefit of going green is that it helps in securing the extra energy supply for the future. Selecting a top-quality solar panel is a challenging task. Before considering a solar panel brand for your business, keep the following in consideration:

·        Long Term Investment

When evaluating the long-term investment in solar systems at commercial enterprises, team members often need to evaluate the performance of the systems based on little more than general information. Even though solar energy's benefits will become apparent over time, some commercial building owners are looking for immediate results.

Team members must present detailed financial forecasts including the total cost savings for the company from solar energy in the long run. Solar project team members must justify the long-term investment of their solar system based on general facts rather than structured data.


·        Preemptive maintenance

As a result of constant exposure to harsh weather conditions, solar panels must be maintained regularly. Commercial enterprises should not wait until a problem arises with their systems before performing proactive maintenance, unlike residential systems that are typically smaller and reliant on proactive maintenance.

Businesses can run more efficient operations and maintenance checks with solar systems that utilize Reon Solar Solutions' innovative power electronics. By monitoring panels at the panel level and analyzing detailed alerts, the system enables project managers to troubleshoot real-time problems.


·        Increased energy efficiency

It is imperative for the host building to take as many energy-saving measures before installing a solar system as possible. By improving the building's energy efficiency and reducing its demand, the owners can maximize the solar PV system's effectiveness. Further, a smaller and less expensive solar system is possible since the energy load in the building is reduced.



A solar PV system's full potential is realized by maximizing the building's energy efficiency and reducing the overall demand. Installing photovoltaic panels to convert sunlight into electricity reduces the overhead costs of the industrial sector and other commercial enterprises.


In an increasingly competitive global market, businesses that embrace clean, renewable sources of energy like solar power gain a significant financial advantage while reducing their carbon footprint.

Monday, 25 March 2024

The Energy Crisis Faced By Pakistan & How Reon Energy is Contributing to Solve it

With Pakistan's feeble economy and insecure national security environment, its acute energy crisis is posing a serious challenge. There are several factors contributing to the country's energy problems, including a lack of government leadership and political issues.

The other factor is the shortage of various energy supplies that are necessary for the country to produce an efficient amount of energy.

Consequently, Pakistan's energy crisis must be resolved via political will, additional funding, and new energy-generating sources. There are opportunities for international donors to help finance the country's energy recovery since it lacks significant internal revenue sources.

Pakistan already receives considerable energy assistance from the United States, with Congress releasing nearly $300 million last summer alone in new energy assistance. The Pakistani government should, however, not just ignore indigenous energy solutions. The Thar coalfields and alternative energy sources are among the options available to the country.

How Reon Energy Contributes to Solve the Energy Crisis of the Country

Reon Energy pledges for a sustainable energy future based on the 3Ds of modern power. In addition to providing businesses with sustainable energy systems, the clean energy transition will also benefit the environment and people.

Society can undergo fundamental change if there is an interconnected system involving industry, government, public and financial institutions. These are some of the effective solutions invented by Reon Energy to combat the energy crisis.

1.     Commercial & Industrial Solution

By blending analytics, machine learning, and human expertise, our energy analytics manager helps industries maximize their energy productivity. Reon's Digital Solutions - SPARK, along with a favorable LCOE, provide ongoing asset performance management, which maximizes your asset's annual energy production. Besides facilitating your plant's predictive maintenance, SPARK also reduces on-ground maintenance costs.

2.     Solutions For Telecom Energy Infrastructure

Reon Energy comprehends that energy costs can account for about 75-90% of telecom tower operators' operating expenses and may rise to as much as 85-90% of grid coverage is poor.

High data demand and the consequent need for data centers are largely responsible for the growing energy challenge. To help them overcome these challenges, Reon Energy has designed various solutions that fit perfectly with the energy demands of the telecom industry.

3.     Reflex Energy

Designed to accelerate the transition to a reliable power system, Reflex Energy Storage offers a customizable energy storage solution. SPARK, a digital intelligence application that is embedded in Reflex, improves the Levelized cost of energy by optimizing storage, gensets and renewable sources (solar and wind) across various power sources. Combining a Li-ion battery and a highly efficient power conversion system, it typically lasts 15 to 20 years.


In addition to large-scale solar projects, Reon Energy has built large-scale energy storage projects for industries across the country. In some of the most idyllic locations across the region, the telecommunication tower projects of the company are made up of energy infrastructure. The article consists of highlights about the ultimate energy solutions offered by Reon Energy.

Tuesday, 19 March 2024

3 Ways To Maximize Your Solar Energy Conservation

Commercial solar panels are becoming popular around the world. Recent improvements in solar panel efficiency are one of the reasons. Increasing international pressure on businesses is also acting as an impetus to reduce the carbon footprints through the use of renewable energy solutions.

Governments are setting net-zero goals in order to achieve this goal. Reon Energy, the solar company in Karachi is also in the race to offer the best combination of solar energy systems.

Many businesses are investing in commercial solar panels. Despite this, some businesses aren't doing enough to keep their solar panels efficient throughout their service life. As a consequence, the panels don't produce as much electricity as they could, which is costly to the business. 

Several business practices can be implemented to keep solar panels functioning efficiently. Some solar panels, however, don't keep their efficiency at optimum levels for the entire lifetime of the equipment.

In order to maximize electric production from solar panels, businesses should follow these three ways.

1.     Get your hands on more efficient solar panel models

Within the last five years, solar cell technology has advanced significantly, and the average efficiency of solar cells has increased from 15% to 20%. There are, however, differences in efficiency and price between solar panels based on their materials and their structural design.

Although solar panels differ in price and efficiency depending on their materials and structure, there is still some variation in efficiency.

2.     Avoid installing solar panels in shaded areas:

It makes sense that shade reduces the effectiveness of solar panels since they manufacture electricity from sunlight. Most people, though, are unaware of how much shade can affect a solar panel array. 

Shade can significantly reduce the amount of energy that is generated by neighboring photovoltaic cells. By using shade as a resistor, the adjacent cells generate less energy.

By using shade as a resistor, the adjacent cells generate less energy. Plan ahead and ensure that shade won't pose a problem during the planning process.

3.     Keep your solar panels spotless

The fact that solar panels don't have any moving parts means that they require very little maintenance. As dust and dirt accumulate on solar panels, they lose efficiency if they are not cleaned periodically. As dust and dirt accumulate on solar panels, they lose efficiency if they are not cleaned periodically.

The frequency of cleaning your solar panels may vary according to several factors, including how often it rains and how much it will cost. The average reduction in output caused by dust and dirt is only 5% per year. As a consequence, cleaning your solar panels annually would be a good idea.

Monday, 18 March 2024

3 Critical Factors Affecting Solar Panel Efficiency

Renewable energy sources have been an affective partner for the last few decades. Businesses and industries are rapidly switching toward the use and installation of solar energy. There are several reasons behind this fact. The average efficiency of a solar panel is 15% to 25%. However, solar panels with 40% efficiency are branded and a bit more costly than the other brands.

Many factors are responsible for the increase and decrease of the working of the solar system. Solar panels are sized and numbered based on the system's size. Panels should maintain about 25% capacity even during cloudy days. Here are some factors affecting the efficiency of solar panels.

Factors affecting the efficiency of solar systems:

1.     Shading

Solar energy operates by the absorption of solar rays. So, while installing the solar panels, it is critical to place the solar panel at a shadeless point. Shades decrease the efficiency of the solar system, as they block the passage and absorption of the solar rays.

2.     Weather

Solar panels can be adversely affected by extreme weather conditions. Specific temperatures have been found to optimize the performance of solar panels. Solar panels are thought to be more efficient at high temperatures. Instead, it may impede your system's performance and even result in damage.

3.     Clean your solar panels

Solar panels don't require a lot of maintenance since they don't contain any moving parts. Cleaning solar panels occasionally is a good idea, as dirt and dust can accumulate on the surface, reducing their efficiency.

Approximately 5% of output may be reduced as a result of dust and dirt over the course of a year. The output decline can, however, be greater than 20% if they become very dirty - perhaps in an area that does not receive regular rainfall. Therefore, cleaning your solar panels once a year is a pretty good idea.


Payback periods and energy independence are affected by the efficiency of solar panels. To prevent unnecessary disruptions, you should make sure that the system is in top shape. Solar panels have an efficiency of 25 percent during cloudy days if they are in good condition. 

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Wednesday, 13 March 2024

Why Industries Should Go Solar

Running a business is a gigantic task in the current era. There is a constant increase in electricity rates which makes it challenging for the industries to manage their cash flows and productivity. After the invention of solar panels and systems, the threat of overhead costs has decreased upto 55%. 

Almost every country around the world is using solar energy to produce sustainable and pollution-free energy. With the passage of time, Pakistani industries has gradually moved towards the installation of the commercial solar panels and solar storage set-ups.

Industries are a significant part of a country’s economy. Installing solar energy systems and backup can lead to a massive drop in their electricity bills. Industry owners have to ensure that they have a strong hold up in case of a sudden power shortage. There are several advantages for the industries sector if they switch their energy production system from conventional to solar systems.

Advantages of Installing Solar Energy

1.     Decrease overhead cost

Continous energy supply is necessary for the industrial sector. Producing energy through conventional methods elevates the cost, causing loss to the owner. Switching to solar energy solutions can be a big step. It can be a great step to reducing the electricity bill.

Financial strength is easier to get with the installation of solar panels, systems and storage set-ups.

2.     Creates energy independence

By investing in solar systems, you can decrease the risk of depending upon conventional energy conversion methods. The industry owners who generate their own energy become less reliant on the grid and become more independent. With increased energy independence, homeowners are less vulnerable to fluctuating utility rates, grid outages, and severe weather events.

3.     Solar Systems demand low maintenance cost

The installation cost of solar energy is relatively higher than its maintenance. They are reliable and require a low cost for the conservation of solar systems. Solar energy is abundant even when affected by the weather, night, and location.

Solar panels are not noisy or disruptive like other forms of energy. Many solar panels come with a warranty of 25 years, and many companies recommend a 30-year lifespan.


Solar energy reduces the demand for utility energy at every home or business. Reduced emissions, lower energy prices for those pinching under high rates, and improved grid stability result as result.

A renewable, clean, and sustainable energy source, solar power is different from coal and gas. It is hypoallergenic and has no impact on global warming. Having an environmentally-friendly business plan and making environmentally-friendly decisions are key goals for many businesses. 

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Monday, 11 March 2024

Top Reon Solutions to Combat Energy Crisis

Renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and biomass energy, in combination with fuel cell technology, can help Pakistan solve its energy problem. Pakistan is a developing country that requires a constant flow of clean and cheap energy. As we see the cost of energy increases frequently we can utilize renewable energies and efficient technology to help solve this problem. One way to solve this is through Reon Energy, the top solar company in Pakistan.

Top Solution to combat Energy Crisis:

As Pakistan is still progressing, we find many possible solutions however they are not widely adopted.

1. Move Towards Renewable Resources

If we reduce depending on the world's nonrenewable resources, we can improve overall conservation efforts. The formal industrial age was established using fossil fuels but with the fast-moving world, we see technology that produces renewable energies e.g., steam, solar, and wind.

2. Perform Energy Audit

The energy audit refers to a process that helps you figure out areas of your offices and homes that are losing energy and helps you with measures to improve energy efficiency.

It can help us reduce our carbon footprint, save energy and money, and avoid an energy crisis.

3. Lighting Controls

Numerous type of technologies is coming up that makes lighting control and save a lot of energy with a guarantee of long-run lighting. Some lighting controls like present lighting controls, slide lighting, touch dimmers are some measures that help reduce overall lighting costs.

4. Energy Simulation

Software like energy simulation can be a big help for huge corporates and corporations that help redesign the building units in order to reduce the energy cost of running a business. The professionals like Designers, architects or engineer can help figure such concerns out that helps make energy-efficient building and get rid of carbon footprint.

5. Buy Energy-Efficient Products

As moving forward, we should replace traditional bulbs with CFLs and LEDs. Since they use fewer watts of electricity and last longer. They are sustainable for many people across Pakistan in regard to commercial and residential purposes. The demand for energy can go down, and an energy crisis can be averted.

6. Common Stand on Climate Change

Developing countries and developed countries should adopt a standard response to climate change. This way they may be able to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through an effective cross-border mechanism.


These measures are a step towards making Pakistan an efficient industrial sector where energy consumption diminishes which helps Pakistan towards a better tomorrow. Solar companies can help boost energy efficiency and work as a better option as well.

Tuesday, 5 March 2024

Competitive Solar Solution By Reon Energy

Solar energy is gradually taking over the energy transition world. The prime focus of solar energy is to provide an ample amount of energy to the industrial, corporate, and residential sectors. After the invention of solar systems and solar storage systems, there has been an optimum elevation in the production of green energy at minimum cost.

In the race of combatting increasing energy rates and producing clean energy, many companies have stepped forward to offer solar energy and storage solutions. However, in Pakistan Reon Energy offers the best solar solutions to the industries.

Industries require powerful energy production backup with an uninterrupted storage solution to keep operating smoothly. Understanding the same, Reon energy strives around the clock to come up with amazing, sustainable solutions with affordable costs.

3D’s Of Modern Power of Reon Energy

Using the 3D's of modern power is the only way to achieve net-zero and sustainable energy. Taking part in this clean energy switch will not only offer businesses the opportunity to increase their energy systems' reliability but also provide a positive outcome for the people and the planet. 

1.     Decentralization

The first D of modern energy is called decentralization. There's nothing new about decentralizing energy. Electrical systems were pioneered by Thomas Edison and others in the late 19th century with decentralized systems. A decentralized energy system is one in which the source is closer to the demand center. Ultimately, we believe that decentralized energy offers financial, technological, societal, and environmental benefits.

2.     Decarbonization

Human beings are facing the greatest threat on this planet due to climate change caused by increased Green House Gases (GHG) in the atmosphere. Due to the dominance of coal, oil, and natural gas-based energy systems, our energy systems account for two-thirds of the total GHG emissions.

3.     Digitization

Digitalization is essential to decarbonizing and decentralizing energy systems, whether it is for the integration of more renewable energy into the system to add much-needed flexibility, for consumers to become prosumers, or for utilities to provide better real-time system monitoring so they can keep this complex system up and running at all times.

Renewable energy from sources such as solar and wind is intermittent, which can cause the grid to become unstable if it does not have the agility required.


There’s no doubt in the fact that the energy world must undergo huge transitions to save the industries and corporates from the stress of sudden power breakdowns. At Reon energy, we understand the significance of sustainable and innovative solar solutions provided with efficient solar storage solutions.

Monday, 4 March 2024

Industrial Solar Solutions Provided by Reon Energy

Pakistan is a developing country striving towards solar solutions which can be successful in expanding our energy efficiency. Pakistan is a blessed country to have solar insolation which is the highest in the world.

Solar energy drives to create affordable and clean energy for future commercial and industrial entities in Pakistan. It will help eliminate energy crises while helping you reduce energy costs, maximize savings and lower electricity bills.

Solar coupled with Reflex battery helped towards energy storage solution. It offered greater flexibility and independence in delivering energy alongside a quick alteration across the energy value chain. With help of The Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE), there has been efficient battery storage. On October 30, 2021, Reon Energy introduced Reflex, Energy Storage Battery. Solar Energies are structures that convert light energy into electricity, have been steadily falling in price over the last 20 years.

Solar Power Is the Next Success Story!

A sustainable, solar-powered nation that would assist businesses in transitioning to a clean energy system, establishing higher reliability and individuals who are environmentally conscientious.

With the increasing knowledge and awareness regarding solar use and its implications, we see how advancement in this field helps us foresee a better place for us to live in.

Why Does Solar Energy Need Backup Batteries?

There is always another power breakdown in our cities. This hinders many household and commercial activities. There has been no practical solution to this menace so far. But with the introduction of battery backup for solar panels, there is continuous power for your essential needs even during an electric grid failure.

So, if you have a solar energy system with a battery backup, you can keep using electricity even if everything around you goes dark. You'll not only save money on your electricity bills, but you'll also have power when the rest of the block is dark!

Creating A New System with an Integrated Battery Backup!

The most economical installation is to design the system from scratch. The cost of adding batteries to your solar electric system varies depending on how much power you'll need in the event of a power outage. While a battery backup may power most of your home's demands, most systems are designed to power only your most vital loads, such as your refrigerator/freezer, heating system, water pumps, lighting, and security system.



In a nutshell, the many advantages of solar batteries with their silent operation to uninterrupted power supply down to their compact storage space, these batteries are the next big thing!

Why Reon Energy

Solar energy offers various benefits, but its implementation leads to different corporate, technical, and local challenges. Moreover, such c...