Tuesday, 27 February 2024

Industrial Solar Solutions Provided by Reon Energy

Pakistan is a developing country striving towards solar solutions which can be successful in expanding our energy efficiency. Pakistan is a blessed country to have solar insolation which is the highest in the world. Solar energy drives to create affordable and clean energy for future commercial and industrial entities in Pakistan. It will help eliminate energy crises while helping you reduce energy costs, maximize savings and lower electricity bills.

Solar coupled with Reflex battery helped towards energy storage solution. It offered greater flexibility and independence in delivering energy alongside a quick alteration across the energy value chain. With help of The Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE), there has been efficient battery storage. On October 30, 2021, Reon Energy introduced Reflex, Energy Storage Battery. Solar Energies are structures that convert light energy into electricity, have been steadily falling in price over the last 20 years.

Solar Power Is the Next Success Story!

A sustainable, solar-powered nation that would assist businesses in transitioning to a clean energy system, establishing higher reliability and individuals who are environmentally conscientious.

With the increasing knowledge and awareness regarding solar use and its implications, we see how advancement in this field helps us foresee a better place for us to live in.

Why Does Solar Energy Need Backup Batteries?

There is always another power breakdown in our cities. This hinders many household and commercial activities. There has been no practical solution to this menace so far. But with the introduction of battery backup for solar panels, there is continuous power for your essential needs even during an electric grid failure.

So, if you have a solar energy system with a battery backup, you can keep using electricity even if everything around you goes dark. You'll not only save money on your electricity bills, but you'll also have power when the rest of the block is dark!

Creating A New System with an Integrated Battery Backup!

The most economical installation is to design the system from scratch. The cost of adding batteries to your solar electric system varies depending on how much power you'll need in the event of a power outage. While a battery backup may power most of your home's demands, most systems are designed to power only your most vital loads, such as your refrigerator/freezer, heating system, water pumps, lighting, and security system.



In a nutshell, the many advantages of solar batteries with their silent operation to uninterrupted power supply down to their compact storage space, these batteries are the next big thing!


Monday, 26 February 2024

Competitive Solar Solution By Reon Energy

Solar energy is gradually taking over the energy transition world. The prime focus of solar energy is to provide an ample amount of energy to the industrial, corporate, and residential sectors. After the invention of solar systems and solar storage systems, there has been an optimum elevation in the production of green energy at minimum cost.

In the race of combatting increasing energy rates and producing clean energy, many companies have stepped forward to offer solar energy and storage solutions. However, in Pakistan Reon Energy offers the best solar solutions to the industries.

Industries require powerful energy production backup with an uninterrupted storage solution to keep operating smoothly. Understanding the same, Reon energy strives around the clock to come up with amazing, sustainable solutions with affordable costs.

3D’s Of Modern Power of Reon Energy

Using the 3D's of modern power is the only way to achieve net-zero and sustainable energy. Taking part in this clean energy switch will not only offer businesses the opportunity to increase their energy systems' reliability but also provide a positive outcome for the people and the planet. 

1.     Decentralization

The first D of modern energy is called decentralization. There's nothing new about decentralizing energy. Electrical systems were pioneered by Thomas Edison and others in the late 19th century with decentralized systems. A decentralized energy system is one in which the source is closer to the demand center. Ultimately, we believe that decentralized energy offers financial, technological, societal, and environmental benefits.

2.     Decarbonization

Human beings are facing the greatest threat on this planet due to climate change caused by increased Green House Gases (GHG) in the atmosphere. Due to the dominance of coal, oil, and natural gas-based energy systems, our energy systems account for two-thirds of the total GHG emissions.

3.     Digitization

Digitalization is essential to decarbonizing and decentralizing energy systems, whether it is for the integration of more renewable energy into the system to add much-needed flexibility, for consumers to become prosumers, or for utilities to provide better real-time system monitoring so they can keep this complex system up and running at all times.

Renewable energy from sources such as solar and wind is intermittent, which can cause the grid to become unstable if it does not have the agility required.


There’s no doubt in the fact that the energy world must undergo huge transitions to save the industries and corporates from the stress of sudden power breakdowns. At Reon energy, we understand the significance of sustainable and innovative solar solutions provided with efficient solar storage solutions.

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Tuesday, 20 February 2024

5 Types of Solar Panels

Solar energy has shown to be not just a dependable and long-lasting energy source, but also a cost-effective and efficient one. As the solar industry continues to demonstrate its numerous advantages, it is critical to be aware of all available solar panels.


A solar panel, also known as a photovoltaic panel or PV panel, is made up of 60, 72, or 90 solar cells. Solar panels' hopeful qualities have increased in an industry that has put enormous effort into generating, utilizing, and storing the sun's energy by using various types of solar panels and turning sunlight into useful power.


For schools, corporations, and governments, high-efficiency commercial solar panels with proven longevity and industry-best power and product warranties are offered.


5 Types of Solar Panels


1st Generation solar panels:

These are the traditional types of solar panels made of monocrystalline silicon or polysilicon. They are most commonly used in conventional surroundings.


·        Monocrystalline solar panel:

The purest solar panels are monocrystalline. They have a dark homogenous appearance with rounded edges. It has the best efficiency rates and produces a lot of electricity. Because of all of these benefits, they are also the most expensive of the lot.


·        Polycrystalline solar panels:

They are easily distinguishable as they have squares, their angles are not cut with a blue, speckled look. They are made of melting raw silicon, which is a faster and cheaper process than that used for monocrystalline panels. It has lower efficiency and a shorter lifespan.


2nd Generation solar panels:

These cells are thin-film solar cells of various varieties that are mostly utilized in photovoltaic power plants, buildings, and smaller solar systems.


·        Thin-film solar cells:

This is rather a less expensive option if you’re looking for one. Their manufacturing happens by placing one or more films of photovoltaic material onto a substrate. These solar panels are the easiest to produce, and economies of scale make them cheaper since less material is needed for their production. They take a lot of space, making installations unsuitable for residents. They carry the shortest warranties.


·        Amorphous silicon solar cell:

These are mainly used in pocket calculators. It uses a triple-layered technology, which is the best of the thin film variety. They have a 7% efficiency rate, making them less effective. The advantage lies in their low price.


3rd Generation solar panels:


·        Biohybrid solar cells:

It's still in the early stages of development. The science underlying this technique is to take advantage of photosystem 1 in order to mimic the natural photosynthesis process.

Monday, 19 February 2024

5 Energy Problems Faced by Industrial Sector

Matter and energy are inextricably linked. Energy is supplemental to all material consumptions and occurrences. As a result, it is vital to life, and a country's progress is largely determined by the amount of energy expended per capita.

The industrial sector is currently dealing with a slew of energy issues. They all are pointing to a drop in industrial output. Solar energy and its applications should be used to establish an energy-efficient sector, according to the call to action. To re-establish the industrial sector, it's time to get the best solar panels possible.


Here are the 5 energy problems faced by the industrial sector.


·        Electricity crisis:

Pakistan has been dealing with a major electrical problem, which has affected all economic sectors and is particularly affecting the shifting energy structure. Energy shortages and inefficiency have harmed the economy in the past as well. A substantial association exists between economic expansion and the energy issue.


Consumption has been cited as a factor in this; yet, due to a lack of energy, Pakistan has been unable to achieve the desired GDP growth over the last decade. Pakistan must create a well-designed economic model that is related to power rates, consumption, and economic growth indicators.


·        Gas shortages:

The amount of gas produced and distributed has dropped dramatically. Therefore, a decline in the performance of industries is inevitable. The gas shortage most significantly affects the export industry. The supply shortfall is mainly due to the energy ministry’s inability to arrange supply.


·        Unbalanced multiple energy resources:

Another problem is the government's reliance on non-renewable energy sources like oil and coal. The use of natural gas has been enormous. Pakistan imports oil to meet its needs from other countries which is still another key issue. There is a requirement where the focus should be on a well-balanced energy supply increasing emphasis on renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, and hydropower.


·        Increase in oil prices:

Oil accounted for nearly 82 percent of Pakistan's energy production. Pakistan's economy has been put under a lot of strain as a result of the growth. It has reduced the state's fiscal capacity to provide low-cost electricity to industry and consumers.


·        Increase in industrialization:

Energy problems have also taken their toll due to the increase in industrialization and employment of modern means of growing the agricultural output in the country. In response to this, it has led to increased transportation needs of the population, hence putting more burden on the already costly supply of fuel in the country.


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Wednesday, 14 February 2024

Why Solar Panels are a Good Investment

The concept of solar energy and solar panels is in the market since 1950. In the early 2000’s it was proven to be an alternative for costly and conventional energy methods. Solar systems and panels are a one-time investment that is valuable at the same time.


These systems come at a low cost and have no risk of sudden power breakdown. Hence, it is the foremost option for the commercial and industrial sector, as it helps them increase their productivity by reducing the operational capacity. Reon Energy, the leading power company in Pakistan was established in 2012. Since then it is the best solar company of the company.


Solar energy comes with unbelievable advantages. Therefore, solar power is valuable because conventional methods of providing energy (often coal power plants) tend to be costly. Here are some benefits of solar energy.


1.     Green energy

Solar energy is also known as green energy. The conventional energy-producing methods are harming the environment. The installation of solar systems has proven to be beneficial for the environment. This green energy helps in decreasing the carbon footprints.


2.     Net metering

Nobody is interested in paying for the unconsumed things. The use of conventional methods for energy production one way or the other overcharges you. However, this rule does not apply to solar energy. Solar energy charges you for the amount of energy consumed by you.


The concept of net metering refers to a way to bill electricity so consumers who generate some or all of their own electricity can use it whenever they wish. The approach is particularly useful with renewable energy sources, including wind power and solar power.


3.     Renewable source of energy

Solar energy is an effective alternative to the conventional energy source. Renewable energy sources include the resources whose raw material is natural resources, like solar energy.


Also, the energy produced through these resources is natural, environment friendly, and cost-effective.


Wrap Up

Solar energy is an effective way of getting rid of high cost electricity bills. The use of solar power has increased greatly in the past few years. With many pros and advantages, the installation of a solar system comes with a drawback of installation cost.


They may help you control the overall cost of electricity, but the installation cost of solar systems is still too high. However, it is a one-time investment.

Monday, 12 February 2024

Top Solar Trends of the Solar World

Solar panels are getting efficient with time. Every year new technologies are introduced to make solar panels and systems even more useful for businesses and industries. Solar energy is the most natural way to generate energy without spending too much.


In fact, it is a one-time investment that enables the industries in producing cost-effective energy. Reon Energy is one of the leading solar companies in Pakistan. The products and services offered by the company are highly trusted and preferred by the industrial sector.


There has been a great evolution in the production of cheap and efficient energy. Every year, some trends have been evolved to make solar energy a better source of energy production. Here are some newest energy trends:


1.     Carbon-negative buildings:

The building designed in the future will be carbon-negative. As a result, the roofs with solar panels are installed to function in a much better way.


2.      The rapid increase in solar & storage contractors:

The integration of solar energy and systems requires a higher level of professional skills. The days when contractors need two wires and black plates are gone. With time, conventional electrical and roofing training is only a stepping stone for solar and storage installers to gather knowledge about the installation of solar energy.


3.     Over-sizing of the rooftop solar system:

The conventional energy methods have now been updated and almost replaced by use of solar energy. The appliances operated by gas-like generators have been substituted by solar storage solutions. The solar storage system works with the energy the extra energy that is passed to the grid.


These extra solar rays are then passed on to the solar storage battery and stored in it. The stored energy is later used by the industries during the black-outs and sudden power cut down.



As the days are passing by, technology is marching towards advancement. The use of solar power is growing rapidly. The best thing about solar technology is that they are powered by dropping costs and increasing system efficiency and installation inducements. These days, solar panels aren't made of silicon anymore and are popping up in a variety of places. There is also a possibility they will be made of new materials shortly.


When energy is reasonably cheap-such as when your renewable sources are generating power for you-storage systems allow you to save some and use it when electricity is more expensive, such as during peak usage periods.

Tuesday, 6 February 2024

Reon Energy Offering Competitive Industrial Solutions

The industrial sector needs to get reliable and cost-efficient solutions. With the day to day increasing energy challenges, it has become necessary for them to switch towards solar energy. Pakistan has taken major steps to combat the energy challenges and overcome load-shedding.


Reon energy is one of the leading solar companies in Pakistan which is dedicated to overcoming the energy-related issues of the industrial and commercial sectors. Following are the industrial solutions offered by Reon Energy:


1.     Enabling Energy Digitalization:

Reon Energy has designed SPARK to enable the operators to maximize their performances and reduce risks. It also empowers them to increase system flexibility. SPARK was designed to achieve the following objectives:


·        Real-time data integration for visibility and control

·        Predictive plant management strategy

·        Energy cost savings using the economic dispatch order principle.


2.     Solar Storage Solutions

Understanding the significance of energy storage for the industrial sector, Reon Energy has designed energy storage solutions that help the industrial and corporate sectors to store energy and use it during sudden power cut-down.


One of the recent projects of Reon Energy is just the perfect match for the industries to store and use the energy when required. Reflex Energy helps the industrial sector in accelerating the transition to a resilient power network.


3.     Powerful UPS As A Critical Back-up

The heavily loaded machines in the industry require more energy to operate. They need a powerful backup to operate efficiently. Reon Energy has designed critical energy backup applications at the best possible price. These critical backup applications have reliable power with high operating efficiency.


4.     Solar & Powerhouse Application

Reon Energy offers scalable and affordable energy solutions for larger-scale industries. These solutions include solar & powerhouse application which provides stability against intermittent PV generation.


Also, they enable the powerhouse generators to be operated at maximum efficiency. The other advantage is that they provide grid-scale frequency and voltage regulation services.


In a Nutshell:

Reon energy is one of the most suitable solar energy solutions the industrial sector of Pakistan can get. They design and provide sustainable and safe energy solutions. With the installation of solar systems, companies and industries can reduce their energy bills upto 67%.


The dedication and hard work of the company has made Reon Energy the best solar energy in Pakistan.

Monday, 5 February 2024

Reon Energy – A Reliable Energy Solution

The industrial sector faces various challenges. But the most prominent one amongst these challenges is the energy fluctuation of the sudden power-black out. Industries are the backbone of a country’s economy.


Countries like Pakistan have started taking measures to combat these challenges and experience an energy-efficient future. Reon energy is one of the leading companies of Pakistan that is striving hard to come up with suitable solutions for the industrial sector.



Reon Energy strongly believes in designing and providing solar energy and storage solutions to the industrial and the corporate sector. We wish to anticipate customer needs and consistently optimize our products and services.



Reon Energy aims to follow its structured goal and become the leading solar company in the country. We thrive to give our customers an energy abundant future by harnessing the potential of the environment in a safe and sustainable manner


Core Values

Like every company, Reon Energy has some core values. From the day Reon Energy came into being, every staff working here abides by the company’s code of ethics. These are the following core values that we follow:


·        Problem Solver

At Reon Energy, we have a strong research team that keeps a close eye on each problem faced by the industrial sector.


Once we have gathered information about the industrial challenges, it becomes easier for our experts to design solar solutions that are cost-efficient.


·        Dedication

Reon Energy has the best technical engineers and technology experts on board. Keeping the tech trend in mind, our dedicated team works to reform the definition of affordable tech-friendly solar solutions for the industrial and the commercial sectors.

·        Eye To Detail

Before solving a problem, we must recognize the problem. At Reon Energy, we analyze the roots of the power problem of the industry to come up with the most suitable energy solution.


·        Ethics and Integrity

Here at Reon Energy, we regard the integrity of the highest standards as our priority to ensure that all of our employees relate strongly to company ethics and values.


·        Management

There are no second thoughts on the fact that Reon Energy is a compatible solar energy partner for companies and industries. We believe in maximizing the resources entrusted to us to deliver positive returns to society.



In this era when every person is busy solving their own problems. Similarly, Reon Energy had taken over the industrial sector ensuring them they to deliver the best possible solutions for all of their problems.

The Role of Solar Power in Maintaining a Sustainable Energy Ecosystem

In recent years, the issue of climate change has taken center stage, with countries and organizations worldwide looking for ways to reduce c...